Who am I Riddles
Who is it Riddles
What is it Riddles
Difficult Riddles
Logic Puzzles

I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a mans house and build anothers, And I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?

The King of Hearts in a deck of cards.


Who can shave three times a day and still grow a beard?

A barber, He could shave other men three times a day and still grow his own beard.


What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

The letter "m".


Who is that with a neck and no head, two arms and no hands?  What is it?

A shirt.


What's the least number of chairs you would need around a table to sit four fathers, two grandfathers, and four sons?

Four. The four fathers could be grandfathers and are definitely sons already.


I'm a god, a planet, and measurer of heat.

Who am I?



A guy was waiting at home, he swung a metal pole then took 3 left turns and on his way back home there was a masked man waiting for him. What is he doing and who is the masked man?

He is playing baseball and the masked man is the Catcher.


What question can never be answered with a Yes?(Except for Pippi)

Are you asleep?


Only one color, but not one size, stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Present in sun, but not in rain, doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What is it?

It's a shadow!


One of the four words does not belong with the other three. Which word does not belong? What is it that the others have in common? 

1. Green, yellow, red, blue.
2. April, December, November, June.
3. Cirrus, calculus, cumulus, stratus.
4. Carrots, radishes, potatoes, cabbages.
5. Fork, comb, rake, shovel.

1. Green. Yellow, red and blue are primary colors, green is not.

2. December. The other months have only 30 days.

3. Calculus. The others are cloud types.

4. Cabbage. The others are vegetables that grow underground.

5. Shovel. The others have prongs.


A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place, and I'm the torment of man. Who Am I?



Who is never hungry during Christmas?

The turkey because he is always stuffed.


What has many keys, but can't even open a single door?

A piano.


I am something people love or hate. I change peoples appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people I will fool them. To others I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will Never go down. What am I?



George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?

Elizabeth is drinking coffee. The letter E appears twice in her name, as it does in the names of the others that are drinking coffee.


A father's child, a mother's child, yet no one's son.

Who am I?

The daughter.


Mr. Steve lives in a mansion. He is very rich. He's so rich that he has a maid, a cook, a butler, and a lifeguard. Yesterday, Mr. Steve was found dead. The chief detective was coming from Sunday church to investigate. The police were already there. They caught 6 suspects. The maid, the butler, the cook, the lifeguard, the postman, and Mrs. Steve. The maid said she was dusting. The butler said he was playing a board game with Mr. Steve's sons. The cook said he was making dinner. The lifeguard said he was watching Mr. Steve's daughter swim in the pool. The postman said he was delivering mail. Mrs. Steve said she was watching TV. Who is lying? You only have one chance because if you choose incorrectly, you accuse the wrong person and the true killer gets away.

The postman was lying. If the chief detective was coming from church, then you know that the post office doesn't deliver mail on Sunday.


Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.


Mr. and Mrs. Mustard have six daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the Mustard family?

There are nine Mustards in the family. Since each daughter shares the same brother, there are six girls, one boy and Mr. and Mrs. Mustard.


A logician with some time to kill in a small town decided to get a haircut. The town had only two barbers, each with his own shop. The logician glanced into one shop and saw that it was extremely untidy. The barber needed a shave, his clothes were unkempt, his hair was badly cut. The other shop was extremely neat. The barber was freshly shaved and spotlessly dressed, his hair neatly trimmed. Why did the logician return to the first shop for his haircut?

Each barber must have cut the other's hair. The logician picked the barber who had given his rival the better haircut.


Some try to hide, some try to cheat, but time will show, we always will meet. Try as you might, to guess my name, I promise you'll know, when you I do claim. Who am I?



What President has the largest Hat? 

DOOR DASH CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re-arrange the letters, O O U S W T D N E J R, to spell just one word. What is it?

'Just one word'.


Can you write down eight eights so that they add up to one thousand?

888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.


You walk up to a mountain that has two paths. One leads to the other side of the mountain, and the other will get you lost forever. Two twins know the path that leads to the other side. You can ask them only one question. Except! One lies and one tells the truth, and you don't know which is which. So, What do you ask?

You ask each twin What would your brother say?. This works because.... Well let's say the correct path is on the left side. So say you asked the liar "What would your brother say?" Well, the liar would know his brother was honest and he would say the left side, but since the liar lies, he would say right. If you asked the honest twin the same question, he would say right, because he knows his brother will lie. Therefore, you would know that the correct path was the left!
