The sun is big and bright in the sky.
Osmonda quyosh katta va yorqin.
I have a pet cat named Fluffy.
Mening Fluffy ismli uy hayvonim bor.
We go to school to learn new things
Biz yangi narsalarni o'rganish uchun maktabga boramiz
Apples are yummy and good for you.
Olma mazali va siz uchun yaxshi.
My favorite color is blue like the sky.
Mening sevimli rangim osmon kabi ko'k.
I can count to ten: one, two, three...
Men o'ngacha sanay olaman: bir, ikki, uch...
The moon comes out at night and shines bright.
Oy tunda chiqadi va yorqin porlaydi.
We should always say "please" and "thank you".
Biz har doim "iltimos" va "rahmat" deyishimiz kerak.
Birds fly high in the sky and sing songs.
Qushlar osmonda baland uchib, qo'shiq kuylaydi.
When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter.
Katta bo‘lsam o‘t o‘chiruvchi bo‘lmoqchiman.
My family and I enjoy going on picnics in the park.
Men va oilam bog'da sayr qilishni yaxshi ko'ramiz.
Learning a new language can be challenging but fun.
Yangi tilni o'rganish qiyin, ammo qiziqarli bo'lishi mumkin.
We visited the museum last weekend and saw many interesting exhibits.
Biz o'tgan hafta oxirida muzeyga tashrif buyurdik va ko'plab qiziqarli eksponatlarni ko'rdik.
In spring, flowers bloom and the weather gets warmer.
Bahorda gullar ochilib, havo iliq bo'ladi.
I like to listen to music while I do my homework.
Men uy vazifamni bajarayotganda musiqa tinglashni yaxshi ko'raman.
Yesterday, I watched a movie with my friends at the cinema.
Kecha men kinoteatrda do'stlarim bilan film tomosha qildim.
My favorite subject in school is science because I love doing experiments.
Maktabdagi eng sevimli fanim aniq fanlardir, chunki men tajriba qilishni yaxshi ko'raman.
Every summer, we go swimming at the beach.
Har yozda biz sohilga suzishga boramiz.
I want to travel to different countries and learn about their cultures.
Men turli mamlakatlarga sayohat qilishni va ularning madaniyati bilan tanishishni xohlayman.
Last night, I cooked dinner for my family for the first time.
Kecha men birinchi marta oilam uchun kechki ovqat pishirdim.
Reading books helps me improve my vocabulary and comprehension.
Kitob o'qish mening so'z boyligim va tushunishimni yaxshilashga yordam beradi.
Playing sports is a great way to stay active and healthy.
Sport bilan shug'ullanish - faol va sog'lom bo'lishning ajoyib usuli.
I enjoy drawing and painting in my free time.
Bo‘sh vaqtimda rasm chizish va rasm bo'yashni yoqtiraman.
My dream is to become a doctor and help people in need.
Mening orzuim shifokor bo'lish va muhtojlarga yordam berish.
I'm excited to learn how to play a musical instrument this year
Bu yil cholg‘u chalishni o‘rganganimdan xursandman