What goes up but never comes down
What is your age
I have lots of flavor and many layers but if you get to close you will cry what am I
What is an onion
What is full of holes but still holds liquids
What is a sponge
What gets bigger the more you take away
A hole
When I have it I don’t share it and when I share it I don’t have it what is it
What is a secret
What has to be broken before you can use it
What is an egg🥚
If you drop a yellow hat into the Red Sea what does it become
What is wet
What is at the end of everything
What is the letter g
What is orange on the bottom but green on top and sounds like a parrot
What is a carrot
What building has the most stories
What is a library
I am at the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere, I am at the beginning of eternity and the end of time and space. What am I?
What is the letter E
I am tall when I am young and short when I am old what am I
What is a candle
What gets wet while drying
What is a towel
What is black and white and read all over
What is a newspaper
What has legs but can not walk
What is a chair
What two things can you never have for lunch
What is breakfast and dinner
If a yellow house is made out of wood yellow bricks and a red house is made of red brick what is a green house made of
What can you catch but not throw
What is a cold
What room has no walls or corners
What is a mushroom
What letter of the alphabet has the most water
What is the letter c DOUBLE POINTS IF CORRECT
What is the capital in France
How do you fix a damaged pumpkin
What is a pumpkin patch
What travels around the world but still stays in a corner
What is a stamp
When is a door no longer a door
What is when it is ajar DOUBLE POINTS IF CORRECT
What can fill a room but takes no space
What is a light