How many english credits do you need to graduate?
How many silver cord hours do you need to get the cord?
What is the best way to make friends your freshman year?
Getting involved in activities and sports.
How many periods are in a day?
What is our principal's name?
Mr. Schappaugh
How many absences can you have before a teacher calls home?
Who is our mascot?
Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt
How long is lunch?
30 minutes
What year was Roosevelt founded?
What happens if you get more than the required credits?
The extra credits will go towards elective credits.
What happens if you skip class the day of a sports game?
You cannot participate in the game.
How do you create a club at Roosevelt?
You need to find a sponsor (teacher) and 9 other members.
Is Roosevelt an open or closed campus?
Name one crowd cheer.
Marching to the Beat, EIEIEIO, Hey Superfans, V-I-C-T-O-R-Y, or Rollercoaster