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All about Ridvan

Say: the Most Great Festival is...

indeed, the King of festivals. Call ye to mind, O people, the bounty which God hath conferred upon you.


What is the significance of the 21st of April 1863?

a) the day on which Baha'u'llah declared His mission

b) the day on which the Bab declared His mission

c) the beginning of the fast

a) the day on which Baha'u'llah declared His mission


For how many days does the festival of Ridvan last?

a) 3

b) 19

c) 12

c) 12


Where was Baha'u'llah to be exiled after His stay in the Garden of Ridvan?

a) Isfahan

b) Istanbul

c) Mecca

b) Istanbul


Inhale the fragrances of...

the Ridvan by His roses and be not of those who are deprived.


On which days of the festival should work be suspended?

a) 1st, 3rd, 9th

b) 1st, 9th, 12th

c) 2nd, 8th, 9th

b) 1st, 9th, 12th


What is the meaning of the word 'Ridvan'?

a) reverence

b) glory

c) paradise

c) paradise


How many years after the Bab's declaration in 1844 did Baha'u'llah declare?

a) 7

b) 19

c) 12

b) 19


O friend! In the Garden...

of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love.


During Baha'u'llah's stay in the garden, on which day was his family able to join him?

a) 1st

b) 9th

c) 12th

b) 9th


Near which city is the Garden of Ridvan, where Baha'u'llah declared His mission?

a) Baghdad

b) Tehran

c) Akka

a) Baghdad


How did Baha'u'llah leave the Garden of Ridvan?

a) On horseback

b) On a small boat

c) On foot

a) On horseback 


Do not be content with showing...

friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path


What happened on the 12th of Ridvan?

a) Baha'u'llah declared His mission

b) Baha'u'llah left the Garden of Ridvan

c) Baha'ullah decided to stay an extra day in the Garden of Ridvan

b) Baha'u'llah left the Garden of Ridvan


What was the original name of the Garden of Ridvan?

a) Eram Garden

b) Shazdeh Garden

c) Najibiyyih Garden

c) Najibiyyih Garden


Baha'u'llah ordains Ridvan as one of two "Most Great Festivals". What is the other?

a) Declaration of the Bab

b) Birth of  the Bab

c) The Day on the Covenant

a) Declaration of the Bab


It is not for him to pride himself...

who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world.


What year did Baha’u’llah declare His mission as the Promised One in the Ridvan Garden?

a) 1844

b) 1853

c) 1863

c) 1863


On the 1st day of Ridvan, Baha'u'llah abrogated...

a) Religious war

b) Use of clergy

c) Concept of confession

a) Religious war

In what language does the word Ridvan mean ‘paradise’?

a) Persian

b) Hebrew 

c) Arabic

c) Arabic
