How many movies are in the world
A lot
if john has 10 candles and each candle burns for 10 minutes. He then lights all of them. how long does it last for.
100 minutes
Power house
This creature is known for flying
What country is located north of south korea
North korea
what is the bad guy in star wars
Boba Fett
What is the least comon number to be said between 1-10
Roll a D20
1-10 success
11-20 Failure
More than 75% of the earth surface is covered in this
This country leader is known for the smallest genitalia
What have I got in my pocket
A Ring
What is the estimate of the speed of light
This plumber is known for going on adventures to save a princess and jumping around through the mushroom kingdom
If A is true then B is always true. When A is false then what do we know about B
What is $1 USD worth
How many disney movies are there
Name a big number
Anything over 1 trillion
what animal can hold its breath under water for the longest.
A Fish
What is the laziest organ in your body
what was the tallest mountain before Mount Everest was discovered
Mount Everest
Who is the main actor of blood diamond
Djimon Hounsou
For energy level 4, what is the maximum number of electrons?
What is in the middle of the earth
the equator
A father gives his first son a quarter and he gives his second son a nickel. What time is it
A quarter to five
what country is south of canada