Who scares the campers and Hook Hand Sharon with the name that drives her insane?
Shovel Hand Shirel
What skit is this quote from?
"I accidentally broke the head off his goddess statue and just stuck a random animal head on there and told him it was always like that."
Pharaoh's Mummification
What song has the lyrics,
"This is so much fun, those are sturdy pipes"
Five Second Rule
Nature Hike v.s Planetarium v.s ....
Fox Hunt
What accident happens during Chopper News?
Sophie hurts the world's largest giraffe
Who is Eugene Mendel?
Movie critic
What head often says "Fools!"
What happens during the sing-along portion of the Flat Basketball?
The bouncing ball deflates
Name one three-part skit about the Heroes
The Adventurers; Dragon Riders; Good v.s Evil
What has four feet and rips people off?
The Sphinx
Which nanny traumatizes Elijah & Matthew with gravy?
Miss Derbywaddle
What character said this?
"Innocent bystanders can be so cruel"
What is the original song of Don't Show Your Work?
When the Saints go Marching In
Aliens crash-land in their building
What character is said to love making children cry?
The Bashmaster
Alicia's (from AJ and Alicia) real name?
Kattja Flemming
What character said,
"And you're woefully unprepared for a snowstorm."
Sing the line that comes before this,
"Or so I've been told, I've never been in such a place!"
"O little lords and ladies need to eat with poise and grace,"
What skit had someone stuck in flaming Crème brûlée?
Dinner proposal with too much food
What toy was made to teach misbehaving children a lesson?
The Wicked Witch (from the Hansel & Gretel skit) has a daughter. What is her name?
Which head said this;
"And the final ingredient is a secret; I'm wearing a toupee"
Ice Cream
Name a song that did not merit the mournful sound of an awoo
Crasherman's Cliff; Backbreak Ledge; Deadman's Bend
What skit has the Man-handed Baby Man?
The Fountain of Youth
Sword of Killgar, Bow of Limheir, and Staff of...?