Every child has the right to do these two things for fun and relaxation.
What are play and rest?
Naaman had this kind of disease on his skin.
What is leprosy?
Samuel thought Eli was calling him, but it was actually...
Jesus told his disciples to let these people come to him.
Daniel and his friends only ate these two things to stay faithful to God
vegetables and water
One of UNICEF’s main rights is that kids should have this, so they can learn and grow.
"What is education?"
Naaman was healed after doing this in the Jordan River.
What is washing seven times?
Samuel lived in this place when he heard God's call.
What is the temple?
Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to these people.
Jairus’ daughter was this old when Jesus brought her back to life.
12 years old
This right ensures kids have food, clean water, and doctors.
What is the right to life and health?
Who told Naaman about the prophet who could heal him? What country were both from?
Who is Elisha? The slave girl, Israel
God called Samuel this many times before he answered.
3 times
Jesus’ disciples tried to do this when parents brought their children to him.
send them away
Daniel refused to eat the king’s food because it was not this and was...
not kosher and had been offered to the Babylonian Idols before being served.
Children should have a safe home and people who care for them.
What is the right to a family?
Naaman first expected the prophet to do this instead of giving simple instructions and refused because...
Perform a great miracle or ceremony. He was too proud and thought it was stupid.
Samuel responded to God with this phrase.
'Speak, Lord, your servant is listening'?
Jesus showed that children are this.
special /important / loved by God
Jairus was a leader in this place.
the jewish Synagogue
This right allows kids to speak and share their ideas.
What is the right to be heard?
After he was healed, Naaman changed his belief in?
What is God?
Samuel grew up to be a great...
prophet & leader of the Israel people
Jesus wanted people to have faith like this.
like a child
Daniel and his friends were tested for this many days before proving their diet made them strong.
10 days