What kind of animal is Rikki-Tikki
A mongoose
What does "frighten" mean?
To scare someone
Who is the cobra Rikki-Tikki fights in the bathroom?
What is the main theme of the story?
Bravery or protection
Who is the first snake Rikki-Tikki fights?
What does "courage" mean?
The ability to do something even when you're afraid
What is the name of the boy Rikki-Tikki protects?
How does Rikki-Tikki show loyalty?
By defending the family at all costs
Where does the story take place?
What does "curiosity" mean?
A strong desire to learn something
Who do Nag and Nagina want to kill
(Hint: It's not just Rikki-Tikki)
His family
Why is teamwork an important theme in the story?
What is because Rikki gets help from Darzee and his wife?
How does Rikki-Tikki defeat Nagaina?
By following her into her hole and killing her
What does "foe" mean?
An enemy or opponent
Which bird helps warn Rikki-Tikki of danger?
What moral lesson does the story teach about fear?
That courage can overcome fear
Why does Rikki-Tikki protect the family?
Because they saved him from drowning
What is a "veranda"?
A porch or outdoor area connected to a house
Who tricks Nagaina by pretending to have an injured wing?
Darzee's wife
How does the story show the importance of family?
Through Rikki protecting both the human and animal families