Literary Terms
What's Your Point of View?
Elements of an Essay?
Test-taking Strategies
Grammar & Mechanics
"The sun bloomed across the sky" is an example of this type of figurative language
What is a metaphor or what is an implied metaphor?
It is the point of view of the following passage from Poe's short story "The Tell-Tale Heart": "TRUE! --nervous --very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses --not destroyed --not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily --how calmly I can tell you the whole story."
What is first-person point-of-view?
This is the first paragraph of an essay. Its primary job is to grab a reader's attention and to prepare the reader for the main purpose of the essay.
What is an introduction?
This strategy asks you to read the title of a passage, scan the passage, and read the questions that follow the passage BEFORE you actually read the passage.
What is previewing?
This rule is broken when you see a sentence such as: i went to walker park to skate and ran into some of my old friends.
What is capitalization?
The attitude of the writer. Usually established by an author's diction (or word choice) and his/her chosen subject matter.
What is tone?
It is a special type of first-person point-of-view in which readers discover that the first-person narrator has no ethos. In other words, the first-person point-of-view narrator is untrustworthy either because he/she is deliberately lying, an idiot, mentally challenged, a child, or insane.
What is first-person unreliable point-of-view?
It is the final paragraph of an essay. It's main job is to restate the essay's main point and to state what the importance of this point is in relation to a bigger picture or the real world.
What is a conclusion?
This is what you do before you begin drafting a written response. It includes listing your thesis statement and your main supporting points in the order you intend to write about them.
What is an outline?
It is the type of punctuation needed to correct the following sentence. You must be able to properly place this mark of punctuation: All of the ALLPS teachers will cook breakfast for you on the days of the test and Mr. Gheen may even dress up as a cheerleader.
What is a comma? <
The opposite of literal. It is what is metaphorically happening in a poem.
What is figurative?
The following passage from Tobias Wolff's short story "Hunters in the Snow" is an example of this type of point of view: "Tub had been waiting for an hour in the falling snow. He paced the sidewalk to keep warm and stuck his head out over the curb whenever he saw lights approaching. One driver stopped for him but before Tub could wave the man on he saw the rifle on Tub's back and hit the gas. The tires spun on the ice. The fall of snow thickened. Tub stood below the overhang of a building. Across the road the clouds whitened just above the rooftops, and the street lights went out. He shifted the rifle strap to his other shoulder. The whiteness seeped up the sky."
What is third-person point of view?
It is the number of paragraphs in a standard academic essay.
What is five? Or what is the five-paragraph essay?
Narrowing your choices down by first eliminating the choices that you know are wrong and then choosing from the options that remain.
What is making an educated guess?
Titles of small works such as poems, articles, and short stories require this type of punctuation.
What are quotation marks?
The grass danced and shivered in the wind is an example of this type of figurative language.
What is personification?
The following passage for Lorrie Moore's story "How to Become a Writer" is an example of this type of point of view: "First, try to be something, anything, else.  A movie star/astronaut.  A movie star missionary.  A movie star/kindergarten teacher.  President of the World.  Fail miserably.  It is best if you fail at an early age -- say, fourteen.  Early, critical disillusionment is necessary so that at fifteen you can write long haiku sequences about thwarted desire.  It is a pond, a cherry blossom, a wind brushing against sparrow wing leaving for mountain.  Count the syllables.   Show it to your mom.  She is touch and practical.  She has a son in Vietnam and a husband who may be having an affair.  She believes in wearing brown because it hides spots.  She'll look briefly at your writing, then back up at you with a face blank as a donut.  She'll say: "How about emptying the dishwasher?"  Look away.  Shove the forks in the fork drawer.  Accidentally break one of the freebie gas station glasses.  This is the required pain and suffering.  This is only for starters. In your high school English class look only at Mr. Killian's face.  Decide faces are important.  
What is second-person point-of-view?
Refers to the paragraphs in an essay where you focus on sub points and you support your claims, arguments, opinions, or inferences with specific evidence.
What is A body paragraph?
After writing a response, you take the time to re-read what you have written and make changes as needed.
What is proof-reading?
Larger works such as novels, plays, book titles, and films require this type of punctuation.
What is underlining or italics?
The other day in class Nene sang, "I smell purple" in class; and Mrs. Riley said, "Yum, I love purple!" and everyone in class laughed except Mrs. Riley. Meeks finally spoke up and said, "No you don't, Mrs. Riley. Not this kind of purple." This scenario is an example of this type of irony.
What is Dramatic Irony?
This a type of third-person point-of-view, but it is unique because the author only reports character actions, dialogue, and descriptions of setting. The writer never directly reveals the characters' thoughts and feelings. Hemingway was a master at this style. Think back to the story we read at the beginning of the year. The story was titled "Hills Like White Elephants."
What is third-person objective point-of-view?
This is the part of the writing process that takes place after a first draft and before you begin the process of editing. It is where the writer makes major changes to an essay such as re-writing whole paragraphs, changing the structure of an essay, and adding more development. This part of the writing process is one of the most important, but during timed exams, there is only time to apply aspects of the revision process and why pre-writing becomes even more crucial.
What is revising or revision work?
You shape your writing based on what you know about the types of people who score written responses and based on what you think will be a unique response in comparison with other student's responses.
What is audience analysis?
When you join two independent clauses together without one of the fanboys (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so), you need this mark of punctuation.
What is a semi-colon?