"That is correct. SHORTY"
things to cry about
john mulaney getting a divorce :'((
ted cruz is?
the zodaic killer
how old am i
when was 9/11
September 11th, 2001
he is also a track star
gave a baby gift to...?
Cardi B
if that kid had been on a leash
no dead harambe
Where does my brother go to high school
his name is alexander casserly, he's a junior, go b*lly him
BC and AD are OUT. what're the new ones and what do they stand for
BCE and CE
Before Common Era and Common Era
new gender neutral pronouns??
name some SNL people he's friends with
pete davidson
bill hader
nick kroll
Take a deep breath. Now gimme ur longest yeah boiiiiiii ever
congrats go join choir
my MOTHER used to work in this building. what did she do
bookkeeper. NOT librarian. She handled the $$$
who was harvey milk
Harvey Bernard Milk was an American politician and the first openly gay elected official in the history of California, where he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
what's my type...
sussy bakas
recite the robot test
I smell a robot
Prove, prove, prove, you're not a robot
Look at these curvy letters
much curvier than most letters wouldn't you say
no robot could ever read these
you look mortal, if ye be, you look
and you type what you think you see
is it an e, or is it a 3??
That's up to ye
The passwords of past you've correctly guessed, but now it's time for the robot test!!
I've devised a question no robot could evver answer
which of these pictures does not have a stop sign ib it???
gif or gif
GIF!!! >:(((
what teacher did I have for APUSH and AP Gov
tell me something that women weren't allowed to do before RBG (may her memory be a blessing) singlehandedly (I'm kidding it was a joint effort) gave women rights in the 1970's
work while pregnant. be denied a job because the office didn't have a women's bathroom... run the boston marathon
You ever seen a GHOST??
I was over on the bench I was over on the bench I was over on the bench I was sitting over on the bench. I WAS OVER ON THE BENCH. I made a salad with craisins! Hello i'm chip mulaney. I'm your father. But sometimes he would be gay... ever been to the gd zoo? I used to smoke craccck!!!!
name all 3+ froges
dat boi
how tall am i. no standing up to measure just yell it out
name presidents. backwards. as far as you can go
baby bush
daddy bush
true man