This knee ligament runs from the medial femoral condyle to the medial tibial plateau and helps prevent excessive valgus stress.
This group of four muscles, often referred to as the “rotator cuff,” stabilizes the shoulder and allows for various movements of the arm.
What are the supra, infra, sub, and teres minor
The three most POPULAR instability anchors Arthrex offers
What are the suturetak, the push lock, and the fibertak
The name for anterior-inferior labral tear
What is a bankart lesion
This structure, on average, weighs as much 100 elephants
What is a cumulus cloud
This bony prominence on the proximal tibia serves as the attachment site for the patellar tendon.
What is the tibial tuberosity
This muscle is the primary mover responsible for shoulder abduction and is located on the lateral side of the scapula.
What is the deltoid
The amount of locking mechanisms on the ACL tightrope II (bonus point if you can point all of them out)
What is 5
This type of meniscal injury typically results in locking or catching sensations in the knee
What is a bucket handle tear
This animal has blue blood and a more commonly known fact is that it has three hearts
What is an octopus
The three muscles of the hamstrings
What is the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus
This rare injury involves the tearing of the labrum at the anterior-superior aspect of the shoulder (say the entire name)
what is a slap tear, superior labrum anterior to posterior
The degree curve in the standard 1.8mm knotless fibertak curved drill guide
what is 15 degrees
This is an alternative, more popular, solution to ALL reconstruction
What is LET
This animals fossil record appears before fossil records of trees, which makes it commonly thought of as pre-dating trees by 50 million years
What are sharks
The gap in the knee capsule
what is the popliteal hiatus
This ligament supports the humeral head by connecting it to the scapula, preventing dislocation, and stabilizing the shoulder joint.
what is the superior glenohumeral ligament
The three suture offerings in the knotless mechanism (include any size change or type change throughout the suture, and explain the purpose of th change, be VERY specific)
What is a #2 fiberwire cordless that tapers to a 2-0 at the end to facilitate passing, and a 2-0 Tigerlink with half of the suture being suturetape - the pull side
This is a commonly misdiagnosed partial thickness rotator cuff tear that occurs on the joint side of the tendon (acronym is not enough)
What is a PASTA tear, partial articular sided tendon avulsion
This planet takes longer to complete one complete rotation on its axis than it does to completely orbit the sun, mean one day is longer than one year
What is Venus
This anatomic landmark helps identify where the insertion of the AM and PL bundles are
What is the bifurcate ridge
This procedure addresses acromioclavicular joint arthrosis
What is a distal clavicle excision
The tunnel size offering for the collar on the 17mm ABS button
What is 9 - 11mm
The two bundles of the ACL, when they are tightest, what their purpose is, and the test associated with assessing if they are intact
What are the AM and PL, AM in flexion and preventing anterior translation of tibia, PL in extension and rotary stability, anterior drawer test, and pivot shift test
This river has points where it becomes so hot it boils animals if they fall in (additional 100 point if you name where it is located, another 100 if you can name what well known river it feeds into)
What is the shiny-timpishka river in Peru, feeding into the Amazon river