Name a 1st grade teacher.
Ms. Smith or Ms. Brennan
What time does school get out on half-days?
Who is the kindergarten staff for RISE?
Ms. R
Fill in the blank: Clifford the Big __ Dog
4th grade & 5th grade
What is the silent hand signal for a pencil?
Who is the 6th grade staff for RISE?
Ms. D
In Finding Nemo, what was the name of the fish with bad memory?
Mrs. Perez or Mrs. Javinar
Where did Mr. Roberts work last school year?
At SAC Prep in the office
Name three planets besides Earth.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Which staff member used to be a student at SAC Prep?
Ms. E
June 7
What is the meal time at RISE called?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
How do you spell Ms. C's last name?
Name one new staff at SAC Prep.
Ms. D or Ms. P
Name all staff that work at R.I.S.E.
Ms. R, Ms. P, M. C, Mr. Roberts, Ms.D, Ms.S/Sidhu/Indi
Name 10 other students in RISE who are not in the room right now.