This is decoding times Language Comprehension.
What are the two factors in the Simple View of Reading?
This is having an awareness of sounds in spoken words, whether syllables, onsets, rimes, or individual phonemes (sounds).
What is Phonological Awareness?
This type of Phonics Instruction includes an explicit scope and sequence where there is attention to every phoneme in every position in a word, and emphasis on encoding and decoding that is connected. It also uses a bottom-up model - letter names, sounds for letters, generalizations is used, and it is based on the approximately 44 phonemes of the English language.
What is the Synthetic Phonics approach?
The purpose for identification of these word parts is to determine the pronunciation of words.
What is the purpose of understanding the Six Syllable Types?
This is Kilpatrick's assessment of Phonological Skills.
What is the PAST?
This is the Phonological Processor, and it's ORDER in the way the brain processes print.
Where does "reading" begin in the brain, according the the Four Part Processor?
Contrasting this type of sound awareness as the overview, or umbrella of how students become aware of the sounds they hear in our language, with the awareness of the smallest unit of sound within an individual word.
What is the difference between Phonological Awareness and Phonemic Awareness?
This activity is used to help students understand how to encode, or spell, the phonemes in words, based on the phonemes or sounds they hear in spoken words.
What is Phoneme-Grapheme mapping?
These syllable types occur in the standards as early as First Grade.
What are ALL SIX Syllable Types?
Listening to a student read a text aloud, attending to whether or not the student can decode, can comprehend what is read, and is fluent in both. This assessment is NOT timed, and is coded for how the student pronounced each word in the text.
What is an Accuracy Check? (Running Record)
This is fluency, and it's unique role in the Simple View of Reading.
Which component of the Simple View of Reading is included in BOTH factors of Decoding and Language Comprehension?
The unit or part of a word, that is responsible for causing two or more words that have a similar vowel sound and ending sound, to Rhyme.
What is the Rime of "Onset and Rime" awareness?
This activity involves the formation of letter-sound connections to bond the spellings, pronunciations, and meanings of specific words in memory.
What is Orthographic mapping?
This syllable type includes two or more vowels coming together in a word to make a new sound.
What is the Vowel Team Syllable Type?
This is one of our district's encoding assessments.
What is the DSA (Developmental Spelling Analysis), or what is the Writing Prompt Assessment from Lucy's Unit's of Study?
As readers become increasingly automatic with recognizing words, this strand of Scarborough's Rope goes "underground".
What is the "Word Recognition" strand?
Phonemic Awareness tasks that concentrate on individual sounds in words, where the (spoken) words are NOT manipulated or changed.
What is Phoneme Identification, Isolation, Blending and Segmentation?
We use this skill when we are decoding words, and then we use this skill when we are encoding words.
What is Blending? What is Segmenting?
The word pinnacle includes these three different syllable types.
What is the Closed Syllable Type, Open Syllable Type and Consonant -le Syllable Type?
In this assessment scoring guide, a student who earns a 1 for a Phonemic Awareness task is at an accurate level. The student knew the answer, but the student was not automatic with it. If they earned an X for the task, they are accurate AND automatic.
What is the PAST scoring guide?
This reading researcher created an organizational theory in the Science of Reading where students' decoding AND encoding abilities can be analyzed in order to begin selecting appropriate texts for students to read and pinpointing where intervention needs to occur.
What are Ehri's Phases of Reading?
These tasks are phoneme addition, deletion and substitution.
What is true phoneme manipulation, where new (spoken) words are created?
This spelling error included using the grapheme -ee rather than the grapheme -ea in the word "seed". Then this spelling error omitted the medial sound in the word "mother". The word was spelling "moter".
What is an Orthographic Error? And then what is a Phonological Error?
Teaching the pronunciation of multisyllabic words includes teaching these rules?
What are the Syllable Division Rules for multisyllabic words?
These are the four types of assessments in an Assessment System.
What are Screeners, Diagnostic Assessments, Progress Monitoring Assessments and Summative Assessments?