Who was today's story about?
The king ordered his servant to teach Daniel the Babylonian language.
True: The king wanted them to forget they were God's people.
What food did they serve to Daniel and his friends?
Rich food from the king's own table.
How did Daniel and his friends end up in Babylon, so far from home?
King N. conquered Judah, and Daniel was captured and brought to Babylon.
Why did Daniel refuse to eat the rich food from the king?
It was different from the Jewish food they ate to honor God.
Who was the king of Babylon?
King Nebuchadnezzar
Daniel wanted to eat the food from the king.
What was Daniel's home town?
How long were Daniel and his friends supposed to train?
3 years
Why were Daniel and his friends chosen to serve in the king's court?
Because they were smart and healthy.
Who did Daniel honor and answer to?
After 10 days of vegetables and water, they were very sick.
False - they looked healthy and well fed
What did Daniel and his friends want to eat instead?
Vegetables and water
How long did Daniel and his friends eat vegetables and water?
10 days
Why should we have integrity?
Many possible answers.
Who do you know that has integrity?
Name someone.
After 10 days they began eating the rich food from the king.
False - they continue to eat healthy
What are we learning to be truthful with?
Our whole life
How would react if you accidentally broke something in your house?
Admit that I did it.
Why is it wise to be truthful?
Many possible answers.
Who were Daniel's friends?
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Daniel and his friends became trusted advisors to the king.
What did God give Daniel and his friends?
Wisdom and knowledge
How can we live with integrity?
Be truthful in everything we SAY and DO.
Why did the king choose to make Daniel and his friends advisors?
He saw how strong and smart they were.