Respect Wildlife/Plan Ahead
Looking out for one Another
Weather Considerations/Protection

What should you do if you stumble on a loose rock while climbing?

Let your classmates know to ensure that they do not fall and get hurt.


When should you be especially careful to avoid wildlife?

During sensitive times such as nesting or mating season, while they are raising their young ones, or during the winter.


What is one way to be prepared in case something happens/someone gets hurt?

Prior to the trip, do some research one your campsite, and see what emergency services are available/close by.


True or False. Itineraries are strict schedules and are not allowed to be broken.

False. An itinerary is meant to be a guide for your trip. If it is slightly of schedule it is not the end of the world!


True or False. You should wait until you arrive at your campsite to see what the weather is like.

False. You should check the weather in advance to know how to prepare and decrease risks of any weather related issues.


True or False.

If you start feeling unwell, you should go away from the group and not bother anyone.



Why do we prepare meal plans in advance?

To lighten loads and decrease garbage.


When hiking in larger groups, it is ideal to split into groups of?

4-6 people


True or False. Creating an itinerary can decrease risks during the camping trip.

True. An itinerary includes food plans, sleeping arrangements, and trails that will be used. Making an itinerary will help educate you about what you will encounter on your trip.


What are some of the most underestimated threats/dangers to campers?

Rain and floods


Who do you call if you get lost in the woods?

The Park Ranger.


In order to minimize waste, what should we do with food that has not been finished?

Repackage it.


If your friend is in a bad mood and wanders off alone, what should you do?

Follow them and explain that even though they are upset, it is extremely risky to be alone without a buddy.


What is one way to ensure that everyone is hiking on a trail that fits their abilities?  

Research the campsite ahead of time, and familiarize yourselves with the levels of difficulty of the trails


True or False. In the forest/woods we will be well protected from the wind.

False! We will still be very vulnerable to the cold winds and should prepare accordingly.


Who do you call if you become violently ill in the night?

David Hill


If you would like to bring your pet camping with you, but do not have proper control over it, what should you do?

Leave it at home to ensure it's safety, as well as yours and the environment's.


Why is it a good idea to plan a trip during less busy times?

This way it will be easier to watch out for one another while hiking.


What is the longest trail in Adirondacks and how long is it?

The Northville-Placid Trail

135 miles long!


If you encounter wind, rain or lightening, what should you do, and for how long?

Take shelter, and lay low for at least 30 minutes.


If you get lost or seriously hurt what should you do?

Call 911, stay put and try to stay calm

If you are hiking with a friend and they see a wild animal, what should you do?

Educate them on the importance of observing wildlife from afar, and remind them they would be risking their safety, as well as the safety of the animal if they approach.


What is one way you can look out for one another before even leaving for the trip?

Considering everyone's dietary restrictions, and bringing enough food and water for each person.



How long is the longest trail?

135 Miles!


Why is the clothing layering system so effective?

Each layer has a function, and this concept allows for quick changes when your body temperature changes!
