Safari Trip
Swimming with Sharks
Camping in the Wilderness

Risk: Your camera is old and has had lots of use. It may malfunction during the trip so that you cannot take pictures – hence losing the business value of your trip.

What is your risk response and why?

Possible risk responses:

1) Mitigate - Get camera serviced, buy camera bag, buy 2nd camera

2) Transfer - Have your friend/spouse take the photos


Scenario: You could land incorrectly, injuring yourself or worse. 

What is your risk response?

Possible Risk Response:

1) Mitigate - Review and train plan for landing ahead of time

2) Acceptance - Sign agreement for possible death/injury


Scenario: Because you are surrounded by sharks you might get attacked and die. 

What is your risk response?

Possible Risk Responses:

1) Avoid - Stay on boat and look down into water

2) Mitigate - Put yourself in a secure cage instead of free swimming


Scenario: You may run out of food and water, forcing you to starve and suffer from dehydration.

What is your risk response plan?

Possible risk responses:

1) Mitigate - Bring water filter/treatment tech with you, bring more food than needed

2) Avoid - Go home early


Risk: You agitate a lion and he attacks you, rendering you dead or injured. 

What is your risk response?

Possible risk responses:

1) Avoidance - Don't go on lion watching part of trip, stay at base camp

2) Mitigate - Sit in middle seat so there is less chance of you getting hurt


Scenario: The parachute is damaged or faulty, causing it not to open while you are in the air.

What is your risk response?

Possible risk responses:

1) Mitigate - Double check your gear ahead of time

2) Acceptance - Have 2 parachutes (main and reserve)


Risk Response: Your equipment might be very heavy and you may drown and die.

What is your risk response?

Possible Risk Responses:

1) Mitigate - Train with equipment ahead of time

2) Avoid - Stay on boat


Scenario: A bear attack you, injuring you or killing you.

What is your risk response plan?

Possible risk responses:

1) Mitigation - Bring bear spray, bring a first aid kit, set a bear trap

2) Accept - Challenge the bear to a fight. You might just win...

3) Avoid - Don't go to bear prone areas, stay close to civilization


Risk: Because the weather is unpredictable, it rains every day of the trip  so that I cannot take pictures or see any animals, hence losing the business value of my trip. 

What is your risk response?

Possible Risk Responses:

1) Transfer - Buy trip insurance so that you get a refund 

2) Acceptance - Plan ahead for other possible indoor activities you can do while there


Scenario: Before you even jump out of the plane, the plane has a technical issue and the pilot starts to lose control, resulting in the possibility of an emergency plane landing, or worse, a crash.

What is your risk response?

Possible Risk Responses:

1) Transfer: Purchase insurance for the activity ahead of time in case you survive and don't get to jump out of the plan

2) Mitigate - Make sure sufficient supplies are available on the plan in case of a crash


Scenario: Your run out of oxygen in your tank, rendering you unable to breathe with possibility of death.

What is your risk response?

Possible Risk Responses:

1) Mitigate - Train yourself by holding your breath underwater for long periods of time

2) Avoid - Don't dive too deep so you can re-surface quicker


Scenario: You have a very bad sense of direction and get lost.

What is your risk response?

Risk Response:

1) Mitigate - Bring a map or compass

2) Transfer - Go with a wilderness guide who will direct you during the trip

3) Avoid - Stay on the most-traveled path
