Viděl jsem ten film pětkrát.
I have seen that film five times.
Najdi chybu.
She have seen the UFO.
She has seen the UFO.
write and say (past simple and past participle):
began - begun
Včera okolo 3 hod. se učil na matematiku.
He was studying maths around 3 P.M. yesterday.
Byl jsem tam před 7 lety.
I was there seven years ago.
He was going there yesterday.
He went there yesterday.
write and say (past simple and past participle):
rode - riden
Čekám tady už dvacet minut.
I have (already) been waiting here for 20 min.
Jak dlouho už o tom víš?
How long have you known about it?
Najdi chybu.
I have three cups of coffee today.
I have had three cups of coffee today.
write and say (past simple and past participle):
froze - frozen
To byla nejzajímavější výstava, na kterém jsem kdy byl/a.
It was the most interesting exhibition I have ever seen.
Najdi chybu.
He has tried to lose some weight recently.
He has been trying to lose some weight recently.
say and write (past simple and past participle)
ran - run
Byl jsem v Anglii, ale nebyl jsem ve Skotsku.
I have been to England, but I have never been ( have not been) in Scotland.
Už několik měsíců hledá novou práci.
He/she has (already) been looking for a job for couple of months
How many cigarettes have you been smoking this afternoon ?
How many cigarettes have you smoked this afternoon?
write and say (past simple and past participle):
taught - taught
Co je to tady za vůni? Někdo tady vařil?
What is that smell? Has someone been cooking here?