What Scene represents our value of Silence?
Scene 1
When did we charter?
October 7th, 2023
Where were we founded and what year
Yale, 1845
Who is our current retention Chair?
Matt Navarra aka my man
What are our 5 values?
Silence, Purity, Charity, Honor, Patriotism
How is it determined who is in the coffin for scene 3?
Last initiated brother
Who won most improved brother at formal this past spring?
C bot, bo tittle, Christian
Who are our 3 founders
Louis Manigault, Horace Spangler Weiser, Stephen Ormsby Rhea
Name 5 brothers who are founding fathers?
What value is practiced following Scene 1?
What exec board position is refereed to Honored Senior Pater (HSP) in the rituals?
What semester was the Gamma class initiated?
Fall 2022
Who was our First Chapter president?
Logan Furhman
This value is represented through our Home for Troops philanthropic partner?
What greek letter is never used in a Chapter name?
Name all 4 african american brothers in chapter history?
Xavier Ford, Javon Humphery, Jonathan Stephens, Donovan Wilson
What pristine group of brother did Logan Howard join this summer at Grand Chapter?
Undergraduate Hall of Fame
Who was retention when we won fraternity of the year on campus?
Xavier Ford
What does our letter "Alpha" represent in our fraternity?
Name every brother intiated last year.
David, Jasper, Tyler, Ryan, Andres, Brody, Tommy, Donny, Donovan. Jacob, Cam, Shawn
How many active nationals chapter do we have?
What was the original class size of Alpha class?
What is the ultimate goal to reach and "aspire to" of every brother according to our values?
Pinnacle of Fame