Beginning of Class
End of Class
Classroom Materials
Classroom Procedures
Mixed Plate

After you enter the room, describe exactly what you should do. 

Come in quietly, walk directly to your desk, write the SWBAT in your planner and leave it open on your desk, then complete the do-now.


Who dismisses you, the bell or Ms. Mudrick? 

Ms. Mudrick!


If you're bored, is it a good idea to scratch letters into my desks or try to peel off my desk numbers? 

No! Please respect school property and our SHARED learning environment. 


In general, what should the noise level in class be? What should be the max noise level?

Silent (0) to whisper (1) unless working in a group, then it can be level 2. It should never rise above presentation voice (we should not be yelling in the classroom). 


Should you argue with Ms. Mudrick if you don't agree with how she is handling your misbehavior?

No, arguing with Ms. Mudrick will not help you. She will still be making that phone call or writing that referral. There are consequences to your actions. 


Describe appropriate school clothing: what should you be wearing everyday and what should you not be wearing?

Everyday students should wear their UNIFORMS and IDs. Students should NOT be wearing HATS or HOODIES (with no zipper).


How can you show Ms. Mudrick that your are ready to be dismissed?

Sitting quietly (not talking to others) facing front, showing Ms. Mudrick your row is ready to be dismissed.


If you really need a pencil, what do you need to give to Ms. Mudrick in order to borrow one? And if you do borrow, who's responsibility is it to return the pencil at the end of the period?

You need to give Ms. Mudrick your ID to borrow a pencil! And it is the student's responsibility to remember to come get their ID back and return the pencil. 


Where should your phone be BEFORE entering class? What mode should your phone be on?

It should be put away (in your bag or pocket) before entering class. Your phone should always be on silent while in school. 


Should you ever go behind Ms. Mudrick's desk?

No that area is OFF LIMITS! So is Ms. Mudrick's rolley chair. 


How many points can you earn each week by having your planner?

One point a day = 5 points max per week. However, there are 10 weeks in a quarter which means this adds up to 40-50 points of participation a quarter.


What should you do before you get up from your desk and leave the room?

Check that there is no trash around your desk (if there is, PICK IT UP and throw it away) and make sure the RIGHT leg of your desk is lined up in the corner of the tile.


Ms. Mudrick is in the middle of giving directions. Is this a good time to ask to sharpen your pencil? Should you just get up and sharpen the pencil without asking?

No and noooo. Please wait until Ms. Mudrick is done giving directions to ask to sharpen your pencil! This is because it causes a disruption to the whole class. And, Ms. Mudrick is the only one allowed to sharpen pencils unless she tells you you can go sharpen it. This is because someone thought it was a good idea to pour hand sanitizer in the pencil sharpener.


When is the best time to go to the bathroom or drink water?

During RECESS. You should not be clogging up the hallways to drink water during passing and you should not be later to class because of the bathroom or water. If it is an emergency, check in with me first and then go to the bathroom.


Name two effects that advertising has on kids.

Possible answers: Obesity, unhealthy habits, diabetes, low self-esteem, poor mental health, addiction to products, etc. 


What is the purpose of assigned seats? 

Assigned seats are for the benefit of the whole class. Ms. Mudrick puts you in a specific seat by specific people for a reason. When we turn to work with each other in class, you should be turning to the row next to you, not getting up and moving to work with your friends.


How should you turn in papers?

Papers should be passed up along the rows near the end of class. Always. Forever. Unless Ms. Mudrick says "come give me your papers individually" it will always be pass your papers up the rows. 


What color is the recycling bin? What goes inside a recycling bin? What does not go inside a recycling bin? If you put the wrong thing in the recycling bin by accident, what should you do? 

The recycling bin is YELLOW! Only EMPTY bottles and cans go in the recycling bin. Trash does not go in the recycling bin. If you throw trash in the recycling bin by accident, please take it out and put it in the trash can.


What do you need to fill out when you go to the bathroom or drink water? 

The bathroom log with your name, time you left, and time you returned. 


Your end of quarter project/essay is worth ________% of your grade.



Describe how students should properly line up before being INVITED into class.

Students should be in two straight lines on either side of the walkway, waiting quietly, with all TOYS PUT AWAY. When Ms. Mudrick welcomes a line in, students should enter ONE AT A TIME and greet Ms. Mudrick on the way in (high five, wave, hug, handshake, etc.). Students SHOULD NOT come in the class until Ms. Mudrick says so.


Where should your English notebook be at the end of class? How should they be organized?

They should be STACKED in the correct crate corresponding to your period. DO NOT THROW YOUR NOTEBOOK IN THE CRATE.


You're  assigned chromebook #30 but one day, another student takes #30 so you just take a random chromebook. Later, Ms. Mudrick finds out that chromebook #30 is damaged. Who pays for the damages?

You will be charged for the damage to the chromebook you were assigned. Your number is the same as your desk number. 


When should you be eating food? 

You should be eating food during RECESS or your own time. Food should not even come out of backpacks during class time. 


How many AR points should you be earning per quarter? And how much percent is your AR points for your English grade?

30 points per quarter, 10%
