What does RIVA stand for?
Refugee and Immigrant Voices in Action
True or False: Members are allowed to leave comments in the comment box
What are the two navigator positions under RIVA AmeriCorps?
Community and Capacity Navigators
What page has information regarding your service activities?
Page 14 - Member Position Description
How many hours of training do clients need to have to be a successful client for RIVA AmeriCorps?
8 hours of workreadiness training within a 6 month timeframe
What 3 programs are currently under RIVA?
RIVA AmeriCorps
RIVA Health Equity
RIVA Impact Incubation
When are timesheets due?
Every other Monday at 9am
Is RIVA AmeriCorps a National or State AmeriCorps Program?
How many hours need to be completed in a Half-Time Position?
What are the surveys that the clients need to complete to be counted for RIVA AmeriCorps grant?
Where does the weekly AmeriCorps update posted?
What percentage of your hours are you allowed to have as Training hours?
What is the AmeriCorps resource all members can access that provide counseling services, Medical advocacy, Financial and legal assistance (30-minute consultations), Life coaching, Personal concierge for everyday needs, and Work and life resources and referrals?
The AmeriCorps Member Assistance Program (MAP)
How many hours need to be completed in a Full-Time Position?
When is the data collection tool need to be submitted?
The 15th of every month
What day is the Day at the Capitol?
February 5th, 2025
What increments do minutes have to be submitted?
15 mins = .25 | 30 mins = .5 | 45 mins = .75
What was RIVA AmeriCorps known as before?
RefugeeRISE AmeriCorps or RISE AmeriCorps
What are the 4 steps for the Disciplinary Action Policy?
1. Written Notification
2. Verbal Warning
3. Written Warning
4. Suspension/Termination
What unique client information needs to be collected? (6 items)
Age Range
Immigrant Heritage?
Zip Code
Date Enrolled
How many Host sites does RIVA Currently have?
Hoover Community School
Kirkwood Community College
Cedar Rapids Public Library/ Opportunity Center
College Community School District/Prairie
Iowa City Community School District
Neigbohood Center of Johnson County
Shalom Impact Center
World Relief Quad Cities
Immigrant Welcome Network of Johnson County
Afghan Partners
1. Discuss with Host Site Supervisor
2. Discuss with Program Staff
3. Create and Hours Make-up Plan
What are the 3 things needed for a successful exit?
1. Final Evaluation
2. All Timesheets Submitted
3. Exit Survey
What do RIVA AmeriCorps members do as stated in our grant?
RIVA AmeriCorps members connect and support fellow refugees and immigrants to increase economic opportunities for people and economic growth in Iowa
What unique volunteer information needs to be collected? (5 required 1 optional)
Date Joined/Assisted
Volunteer Name
Phone Number (Optional)
Immigrant Heritage
Length of Service
Description of Service