What is the name of the material we use to count millions, ten thousands, ones, tens, hundreds, etc.
What are bead bars?
Name a food they would grow in Ancient Greece.
What is cabbage, figs, grapes, cucumber etc?
Who works on the far side of the classroom when you walk in?
Who is Danie?
What letter is the apostrophe mini boxes from the skyscraper?(No looking, that's cheating!!!!!!)
What is P?
What is 9+4-6?
What is 7?
Who started Montessori schools?
Who is Maria Montessori?
Finish the name: Alexander the _____
Who is Alexander the Great?
Who works on the close side when you walk into the classroom?
Who is Jasmin?
What do we call the big shelf filled with free pencils, erasers, scissors, etc. Called?
What is the community building?
What should always be your first ongoing?
What is Unfinished Work?
What are the names of our teachers?
Who are Jasmin, and Danie?
What are the two clothes that we learned that people would wear?
What are cloaks and cloths?
Bonus Round!!!You know what to do, wrong lose 600 points, right get 600 points:):)What does Jasmin have that I always borrow? (its 2 items, but you can always name one).
What are pen bag, lotion?
What word analysis do red and blue do?
What is Beginning sounds, and Vowel sounds?
What country is Jasmin's family from?Hint: Taco related.
What is Mexico?
What instrument does River usually play in Music Class?
What is piano?
What people wood normally cook the food?Hint: Female Grown-ups
What are women?
Who is older, Jasmin or Danie?
Who is Danie?
What type of handwriting does red and blue do?
What is cursive?
What is the first type of math you will always start on in math facts?
What is addition?
Bonus Round!!! If you get this right, you get 1000points!!!But,if you get it wrong, you lose 1000 points >:) >:)What galaxy are we merging with right now?Hint:
A__ro_e_a Galaxy.
What is Andromeda Galaxy?
Finish the philosopher name: Soc_a_es
What is (letters are put in order) r, t?
Who 99% percent of the time (not actually) does lessons?
Who is Jasmin?
What number is green groups handwriting?
What is 1?
What country was Maria Montessori born in?
What is Italy?