Books of the Bible
Church building
Great females of the Bible
Things Pastor Erin says

This is the first book of the Bible. 

What is Genesis? 


Riverside Ave Christian Church is this many years old. 

What is 100? 


In the parable of the prodigal son, the father gave his son his inheritance early and the son left home and wasted the money. When he returned home and his father forgave him, the father threw a ______ for him.   

What is a party? 


This great female of the Bible gave birth to Jesus. 

Who is Mary? 


Pastor Erin says that we should remember we are all _____________ children of God. 

What is Beloved? 


These are the first four books of the New Testament and also called the Gospels. 

What are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? 


Riverside Avenue Christian Church has many of these special windows that are pictures reminding us of our faith. 

What are stained glass windows? 


The parable of the talents, a master gave one servant 5 talents, one servant 2 talents and one servant 1 talent. The first two were able to double the amount they were given but the last servant just dug a _____ and hid the talent. 

What is a hole? 


This great female of the Bible was in the Old testament and she was a brave queen who protected her people. 

Who is Esther? 


Pastor Erin prays that in these ____________ words may we find a living word. 

What is Ancient? 


This book of the Bible is about a man that lost everything, his health, his children and his wealth but he did not lose his faith that God is real. 

What is the book of Job? 


Riverside Ave Christian church has a large _________

in the back which is named after Charles Bennett. 

What is a playground? 


Jesus told a parable of seeds being sown. Some seeds fell on rocky ground, some were ate by birds and some seeds were burned up in the sun. But some seeds fell on this kind of ground and produced a lot. 

What is good soil? 


This great female of the Bible was the wife of Abraham and had her son very late in life (when she was old)

Who was Sarah? 


Pastor Erin says she loves these wonderful pets and mentions these four often. (Name the dogs)

Sport, Maggie, Barney and Maple. 


This book of the Bible has the acts of the disciples in it and features the story of Pentecost. 

What is the Book of Acts? 


There is a machine between the office and the kitchen that sells this refreshment.  

What is soda? 

Would also accept What are drinks? 


In this parable the wise man built his house upon the rock. The foolish man built his house on this unsteady ground. 

What is sand? 


This great female of the Bible was the mother of John the Baptist and related to Mary, Jesus' mother. 

Who is Elizabeth? 


Pastor Erin says this is her favorite color and it is also the color used at advent. 

What is purple? 


This book has many of the praises that David wrote to God. 

What is the book of Psalms? 


The church building has three levels and this level is where the Project 31 class is for adults. 

What is the third floor? 


Jesus told the parables to the people. Parables are _______ told to help understand a moral lesson. 

What is a story? 


This great female of the Bible was a judge in the old testament. 

Who was Deborah? 


Pastor Erin says there are these two elements at the communion  table. 

What is bread and drink? 
