The abuse coordinator at The Riverside
Who is Mrs. Morgan (Director of Nursing)?
The deadline for all HMO notes.
What is noon or 12pm?
20 seconds (Cdiff 30 seconds)
What is hand washing duration?
Procedure when a resident is found on the floor.
1. Ensure resident is stable
2. Call for help (nurse, aide, therapist, Director of rehab).
These two must match.
What is Labor log AND hand scan
The coporate compliance officer at the Riverside
Who is Jeannese Robinson (Director of Human Resources)?
Adding NEW interventions (estim, diathermy, gait training) to a plan of care requires us to complete this document.
What is a recertification?
The zone that requires the following PPE at when in resident rooms or during resident treatment.
-Two surgical masks or N95
-A gown
What is the yellow zone?
The overhead page called when someone is in 'distress'.
What is a rapid response?
Tuesday's Nickname
What is Task Manager Tuesday?
Treating a resident for less time than what is billed
(ex: Treatment of Mr. Jones for 20 minutes and billing 68)
The comprehensive IDT assessment required by all departments to be completed within 48 hours of admission.
What is the baseline careplan?
The best chemical to clean rehab equipment.
What is any bleach based solution?
The quickest way we identify a resident's code status.
What is the purple dot on a resident's ID band?
The informational document required to be issued to residents under a Medicare part A or part B stay 2 days prior to coming off rehab.
What is Notice Of Medicare Non Coverage? AKA NOMNC
The comprehensive IDT document required for all disciples to complete prior to resident discharge from the facility.
What is the PCC Carerite Discharge Summary?
The length of time required to sanitize for every cleaning solution. Always located on bottle label.
What is the contact time?
Staff response during a code green.
1. Stay on the unit where you are located. Report to nurses station to determine name of missing resident.
2. Sweep the floor that you are currently located.
3. Sweep one floor above and one floor below.
The respectable amount of advanced notice required when submitting for PTO.
What is 4 weeks?
Requirements when witnessing ANY type of abuse.
- staff to resident
-resident to resident
-visitor to resident
1. Stop it! Remove the resident.
2. Report it immediately to any supervisor (nurse manager, nursing supervisor, social worker, DOR, ADOR, any one who can assist).
These are the criteria for someone to receive skilled rehab for wound care:
1. Must have stage 3 or 4 wound.
2. Wound not improving with nursing interventions after 30 days.
3. No active infection.
Total maximum amount of therapists in the documentation area while the gym is open.
What is....
The foremost duty of EVERY staff member.
What is 'protection from harm'?
The process for providing positioning equipment.
1. Establish wearing schedule during sessions.
2. Inservice nursing staff.
3. Issue equipment to resident.
4. Ensure documentation in place.
5. Inform lead therapists (Meghan/Rutika) so they can ensure documentation is in place.