What is RJ's favorite candy?
York Peppermint Patties lolol // RJ, take a drink!
What is the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself in some way?
What is Nevada's state motto?
All for our country.
What is Kate's dog's name?
Lucy // if you got this wrong, I hate you, but it's fine, xoxo
It depends where you look, but there are about five famous paintings that are usually considered "the most famous" or "the most recognizable." Name three of them.
Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Starry Night, The Scream, Guernica. (Others may be accepted.)
Who is RJ's dream woman?
Jess <33333333
RJ and Jess take a drink!
This show premiered in 2005 and aired for 5 seasons. It starred an actress with the initials JLH. Name that show.
Ghost Whisperer
In what year did Nevada become a state?
What federal entity did Kate work for in DC?
Department of Labor (lol can also accept CFPB; but half points for Jacky)
What year did Apple debut the iPod?
As of today, how old is RJ?
RJ take a drink only if I was right lmao
What is the dot above lowercase "I"s called?
Tittle (combo of tiny and little)
When is Nevada Day? (Either (observed) or (official) will suffice.)
October 31st; the last Friday of October
When Kate says "my best friend," she is usually talking about one of two people. Name one.
Erin or Jordan // four extra points if at any time during your answer you mentioned Lucy // 77 extra points if you mention RJ as "my law school best friend"
What is currently the highest rated film on IMDB?
Shawshank Redemption (1994)
How long did RJ serve in the military? And in which branch?
8 years; Navy
Drink, RJ, drink!
Jeopardy irl - who is the current reigning champ?
Amy Schneider
What does Nevada mean in Spanish?
In 2021, Kate was in one artist's top 0.5% of listeners on Spotify. Name that artist. TWICE the points if you say the year that artist was born.
Taylor Swift, duh <3
How many episodes were made of the show Friends? (To get full points (400), you have to be within 10 episodes of the correct number. For half points (200), you have to be within 25 episodes of the correct number.)
What is RJ's full name AND what does most(? at least some?) of his family call him?
Robert John Lemus; Robbie (Robby?) // lololol thinking about RG Lemur and Kate Growchevski
RJ either finish your drink, or take two shots :)
Approximately what percentage of the population has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?
How many counties are there currently in NV? // DOUBLE points if you can name the Nevada county that was created in 1987 and repealed in 1989.
17 // Bullfrog County
What is Kate's Myers' Briggs personality type?
ENFJ (will also accept ENTJ)
You automatically get 500 points just for picking this one. But you have to share one of your favorite: memes, Vines, TikToks, OR YouTube videos! You know, for the ~culture~.