Making Inferences
Character Traits 1
Character Traits 2

What does the word AFLOAT mean as used in the sentence?

The ant struggled to stay AFLOAT as the flowing stream swept him along.

A. To walk

B. To swim

C. To sink under water

D. To remain partly above water

D. To remain partly above water


What does the suffix -ly mean?

The way something is done.


What is an inference?

A logical assumption based on what you read and what you know. 


John likes spending his time helping others. Which statement BEST describes John?



“Which way should we go?” Lily asked. “”Let’s check the map,” Joann said. “We don’t need to check the map. If you just listen to where I say to go, we will be on the best trail. Like I said, I’ve already hiked here and I know the best trail,” Taylor responded. “We also need to take a break soon, so I can eat. Did you guys bring snacks like I asked you to?” 

Which character trait would BEST describe Taylor?

A. Helpful

B. Demanding 

C. Hateful


B. Demanding


What does the word CONVINCE mean as used in the sentence?

My parents are CONVINCED that I need a babysitter. 

A. Being empty

B. Arguing with someone

C. To cause someone to do or believe something.

D. Talking to your friends

C. To cause someone to do or believe something.


Where does a prefix come in a word? What hint tells you where a prefix goes in a word?

It comes at the beginning of a word. The prefix pre- tells us that it comes at the beginning of a word.


Jackie is looking for a salty, soft snack. She is looking for something that she can dip into either cheese or mustard.

What inference can you make about what snack she wants? 

a) Potato Chips

b) Chocolate Bar

c) Pretzel

c) Pretzel


Half the school day had gone by already and Ashley had not made one new friend yet. She had so many friends at her old school that she had never been in this situation before. By lunchtime, the cafeteria was already pretty full. Where was she going to sit? She didn’t know anyone. Ashley noticed a few girls from her class and decided she would see if she could sit with them. As she nervously walked up she was thinking how she hoped they would like her and say yes. If she didn't do this now, she may never make any new friends. “Hi, do you mind if I sit here?” Ashley asked. “Sure!” replied one of the girls. 

Which character trait would BEST describe Ashley?

 A. Angry       B. Thoughtful 

 C. Intelligent             D. Courageous

 D. Courageous


“This is the longest line I have ever been in!” Jason complained. “Well, I’m sure the roller coaster is worth it! Everyone else who rode it, said they liked it,” Mark said. “Doesn’t look that great to me. We are probably just waiting in this long like for nothing! It better start moving faster!” said Jason. 

Which character trait would BEST describe Jason?

A. Supportive

 B. Impolite 

C. Negative 

D. Friendly

C. Negative 


What does the word IGNORANCE mean as used in the sentence?

We all pleaded IGNORANCE. And every day that week, we discussed a new name for our pet.

A. Being empty

B. Arguing with someone

C. Having a lack of knowledge.

D. Talking to your friends

C. Having a lack of knowledge.


If I want to see a part in a movie again, or hear a song again what should I do? 

a. redo

b. rewatch 

c. replay 

d. restart

c. replay


Spring gardening is Grandpa’s favorite pastime. In

preparation for his spring garden, he preps his seeds

inside while it is still too cold to plant outdoors. He

carefully tends to his seedlings in small pots until it’s

time to transfer them. When the spring temperatures

are warm enough without a threat of frost, Grandpa

carefully transports each seedling to his plot of land.

With his fingers, he creates a small hole in the soil.

Then, he gingerly places a tiny plant in and pats the

soil around it. He’ll do this until he has several rows of

plants. Grandpa’s spring garden is ready again.

What inference can you make about why  Grandpa preps his seeds inside?

He preps the seeds inside when it is too cold to plant outside.


Corey worked on his science fair project every night for several weeks. On the day of the science fair, he smiled as he saw a blue ribbon pinned to her poster-board. 

How did Corey MOST LIKELY feel about his project?

a. embarrassed

b.  proud

c. pleasant

a. annoyed

b. proud


It was the first day of school and Cassidy had just moved to town. She hadn't made any new friends although she saw many kids riding their bikes in her neighborhood all summer long. She thought she would meet them one day, but never went outside to say hello. As Cassidy found her seat in class her teacher introduced herself and asked if there was anyone new to the school. Cassidy’s felt her heart jump and slowly raised her hand. She really didn’t like it when the attention was all on her.

Which character trait would BEST describe Cassidy?

 A. Jolly 

B. Terrified 

C. Shy

D. spontaneous

C. Shy


What does the word BILLOWED mean as used in the sentence?

With a sudden gust of wind, the tent BILLOWED over my head.

A. To move slowly in the wind.

B. To throw a tent.

C.To move slowly on the ground.

D. Something or someone that looks similar to each other.

A. To move slowly in the wind.


Definition: To build again

Which word is defined above?



I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in pink. I can be a writer's best friend. What am I?

An eraser  


Ari wanted to become the school president. Although she lost two years in a row, she never gave up. Ari worked every day making posters to hang around the school, and practicing her campaign speech. She walked around the school at recess time talking to other kids and asking for their support. Ari looked forwards to Election Day. She wanted to make a difference in her school. 

Which character BEST describes Ari?

A. Angry

B. Aggressive 

C. Determined

D. Excited



About a week ago, the town north of us was hit by a terrible tornado. Luckily no one was hurt, but many homes were destroyed. My mom is from that town and knows a lot of people that were affected by the tornado. She let one of her friend’s come stay with us while her house gets repairs. Next week she is taking all of us up there to help out with the clean up from the destruction. My mom has also started a fundraiser for those who have completely lost their homes. It has raised a lot of money, even though my mom has been the biggest donor.

Which character trait would BEST describe the mom?

A. Friendly 

B. Encouraging 

C. Determined

D. Generous

D. Generous


What does the word PITCHED mean as used in the sentence?

We pitched the tent, so that we could go to sleep.

A. Blowing in the air.

B. A person that goes camping.

C. To break down a tent.

D. To set up and fix firmly in place.

D. To set up and fix firmly in place.


True or False: A preadolescent is an adult.



Callie picked herself off the pavement and checked herself over for injuries. No blood, and nothing seemed to be broken. Good thing she was wearing her pads and helmet. She walked over to the skateboard that was laying upside down a few feet away, popped it right side-up with her foot, and rode away. 

Why was Callie MOST LIKELY on the pavement?

Callie fell off of her skateboard.


It was finally Mary’s birthday. She was having a pool party and invited all her friends to come over. The only problem was that it was raining. Mary was so upset. Her mom tried to make the best of it. They all stayed indoors and played games. Although she enjoyed her friends coming over, Mary just wasn't joyful. Two weeks later, Mary’s dad took her out to breakfast and when they came home and walked in the door Mary was greeted with a loud “surprise!” Mary’s mom had invited all of her friends back over for an amazing pool party!

Which character trait would BEST describes Mary's mom?

 A. Reliable 

 B. Encouraging 

C. Thoughtful 

D. Mean

C. Thoughtful 


Katherine had been practicing for weeks and was excited to finally play in her first soccer game. All her friends were on the team and were really good. They had been playing on soccer teams for two years now. As Katherine arrived to the field she saw the bleachers filling up and noticed her friends already doing stretching exercises. Then, she noticed the other team practicing their kicking. They were really good. Katherine wasn't so sure now. Would she be able to play as well as her friends? How would she compare to the other team’s talent? 

Which character trait would BEST describe Katherine?

A. Doubtful

B. Shy 

C. Jealous  

D. Unkind

A. Doubtful
