If you are at the desk and you fail to properly complete a task, this will take place.
What is an informal conversation?
Doing this while on-call will land you on probation.
What is not showing up for your on-call shift?
This is what happens when you fail to document a lockout in the on-call log and on StarRez.
What is an informal note in your file?
This is the number of hours that you can work outside of the Resident Assistant role.
What is a hangout?
These are the desk hours on Saturdays.
What is 12:00pm-6:00pm?
These are the times for On Call shifts on the weekend
What is 8-8 (Friday), 6-12 (Saturday), and 6-8 (Sunday)
This is the name of the report that is due every Wednesday at 8:30 AM
What is the Weekly RA Report?
This is what you should do if you fall in love with a resident in our building and desire to pursue a relationship with them.
What is inform Maddie immediately?
This is what the Making Campus Home plan contributes to.
What is a thriving residential experience?
This is the platform that hosts your desk schedule.
What is Zoomshift?
This is the chain of command for reporting emergency situations to RLSH professional staff while on-call.
What is RCDOC, ADRL OC, Director for Residence Life, and Dean of RLSH?
These are the meetings that are a required part of the RA position.
What are 1:1s, staff meeting, and All Leadership Team meetings?
This is what you should do if a parent contacts you or the on-call phone.
What is refer that parent to Maddie?
These are the people that make up our leadership team.
Who is RAs, Peer Leaders, Maddie, Leanne and Commons Council?
This is the first thing you should do when you arrive to the Armstrong Desk.
What is clock in on the card reader?
While on your round, you find a resident passed out in the bathroom. Who do you call & what is your procedure?
What is... Call SMUPD, gather information & write an IR/CCC. Stay with resident until SMUPD arrives.
This is the amount of time that I have to submit incident reports and other documentation.
What is 24 hours?
These are Maddie's core foundations for our staff (name 3).
What are...
Take ownership of your position & actions
Take care of one another
Take care of YOUrself
Have Fun
As an RA, these are the things that you will focus on as a part of the Making Campus Home plan.
You will receive probation if this takes place at the desk.
What is arriving over 30 minutes late with no prior communication?
This is when you can leave the building when you are on-call.
What is between 6p-8p on Saturdays and Sundays OR during the day when 24/7 on-call is taking place?
This is what you should do if you find a resident's credit card, ID, or other random found object
What is... contact the resident & return to them or call SMUPD non-emergency and give to them.
What are assault, abuse and harassment, illegal fire safety violations, misuse of keys, unauthorized use of university funds, and violation of drug/alcohol policy?
At the end of six weeks, you should be able to do this.
What is share one thing (fun fact) about each resident with Maddie