Aldo Leopold
Nature Writing
RMR National Forests
Your Local Environs and Ecologies

Aldo Leopold famously died conducting this now all too common activity. 

What is fighting a fire?

This author, and fellow Kentuckian, is relentlessly recommended by Luke, usually within the first conversation with him.
Who is Wendell Berry?

This NF, clocking in at 2.2M acres, is Colorado's largest.

What is the White River National Forest?


These creatures make an annual "love migration" in southern Colorado.

What are tarantulas?


This festive singer song writer, whose whimsy lyrics promise to transport you to far away places, was born on Christmas Day, 1945.

Who is Jimmy Buffett? 


Leopold was a key part of the establishment of this wilderness area in southwestern New Mexico, which is a neighbor to a wilderness area that bears his name.

What is the Gila Wilderness. 


This Pulitzer winning book, a seminal work for late 20th century American nature writing, is well known for its intimate, and often a little gross, observations of the biology of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains.

What is Annie Dillard's "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek?"


The USFS manages more than this many millions of acres in the state of Wyoming.

What is 9 million?


The state of Colorado just passed legislation to allow the re-introduction of this "comic" species. 

What are wolverines?


This violent novel, published in 1985, was originally met with a lukewarm reception, but has since established itself as one of the greatest novels of the American canon.

David Foster Wallace stated it is, "[p]robably the most horrifying book of this [20th] century, at least [in] fiction."

What is Blood Meridian?


This child of Leopold's was also a famous paleobotanist in her own right, and was once a board member for the National Forest Foundation.

Who is Estella Leopold?

This author, in this sequel to his more famous novel, spoke of "misanthropic pseudointellectual rednecks quoting Thoreau and Garrett Hardin," at a gathering on the rim of the Grand Canyon. 

What is Edward Abbey's Hayduke Lives?


This depression era organization made significant impacts on NFs all over the region.

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?

In this decade the upper stretches of the Grand River was renamed to "The Colorado," establishing the headwaters within the state which bears the river's name.

What is the 1920s?


This mammal is the only of its class that can fly.

What is a bat?


This documentary captures the history and impact of Leopold on American Conservation. The title riffs on the now famous quote about a wolf from Leopold's essay "Thinking like a Mountain."

What is "Green Fire?"


This botanist and Potawatomi woman wrote this ground breaking book on about how plants can teach us to heal.

Who is Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer?


The USFS Rocky Mountain Region has this many national forests, and this many national grasslands.

What are 12 and 7.


Bromus tectorum is the scientific name for this unwanted species. 

What is cheat grass?


Captain James Cook gave the Hawaiian Islands this moniker, which was named in honor of an English Earl, whose legacy also lives on in lunches around the world.

What is 'The Sandwhich Islands."

Leopold's son, Starker, gave this nickname for the family's outhouse near the famous Leopold Shack, which shocked a their daughter when she learned in school that theirs was not the only one in the world. 

What is the Parthenon?


This author writes in his final book, published in 2019, that "When a boundary in the known world...becomes instead a beckoning horizon, the leading edge of a further destination, then a world one has never known becomes an integral part of one's new universe."

What is Horizon by Barry Lopez?

This former national forest was officially absorbed by the Medicine Bow in 1929.

What is the Hayden National Forest?

"Chinook" and "Santa Ana" winds are gravity driven by cold, dense air that flows down hill off of ice sheets, and are categorized by this term.

What is katabatic?


The Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368 ) was established by these foreign invaders. 

Who are the Mongols?
