Viral/vector/Parasitic infections
Neuro disorders

Scarlet fever usually comes after the child had what type of infection?

Strept throat infection  (bacteria toxin that causes a rash)

Extra 100 if you can tell me where the rash usually is: face trunk and extremities but not on palm or soles

What does the tongue look likeL strawberry


Which parasitic infection has intense itching especially at night



What are the three sections of the Glasgow comma scale

 eye opening (4), motor response(6), auditory and or verbal stimulus(5)

extra 100 if you an tell me the high score of each section


Most common underlying cause for neonatal seizures

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy HIE


What is Isotretinoin used for

cystic or severe acne


Another name for whooping cough and the usual culprit that causes it

Pertussis by Bordetella pertussis


This vector borne illness has a high transmission in tropical areas of the world


100 points what is the vector culprit:mosquito


Name and describe the two postures

Decorticate: flexed extremities, abbduction of arms flexed at elbow over chest

Decerebrate: extension or pronation of arms and legs


what is Positional plagiocephaly

treatments can include what?

 misshapen head without fused sutures

position changes, umm time, don't keep in car seat outside vehicle, molding helmet


When assessing for Urticaria what should your history include give me two

 new foods, meds, recent infection, environment changes, unusual stress


1. What vector borne infections has the Erythemia Migrans rash?

2. How do you prevent it?

3. How to remove?

 1. Lyme Disease

2. protective clothing, do a full body check, examine, repellent

3. gloves slow up and steady even pressure


1. What is another name for German measles?

2. Who is it transmitted?

3.Tell me about the rash and how it spreads?

1. Rubella

2. nasopharyngeal secretions, also blood, stool, and urine, can be from mom to fetus

3. Maculopapular begins on facial and head to foot and disappears in same order


Name three early signs and three late signs of ICP

Early: Ha, Pojectile, vision, dizzy, Decreased HR RR, Increase BP, slow pupil reaction unequal, sunset eyes, change LOC, seizure, fontanel bulge, high pitch cry, increase HC

Late: lower LOC, Brady, decrease motor/sensory, chaste stokes, posturing, fixed dilated pupils


What is a neural tube defect?

Name two of the NTD

birth defects of the spine and brain

Spina bifida occult, myelominingocele, anencephaly, encephalocele


Describe the rash of Tinea versicolor

Describe tenia corporis

Describe candidatos diaper rash

1. superficial tan or hypopigment oval scaly lesions upper back and chest proximal arms

2 ring worm raised scaly border with clearing in center

3. fiery red lesions calling in skin folds, satellite lesions further out of main rash Shiny


Name 4 types of labs or diagnostic testing for Sepsis

 CBC, CRP, Cultures, CSF analysis, Stool, blood, and Urine cultures, culture of other possible culprits, chest Xray


Two other names for Exanthem Subitum


How is it transmitted?

What can you see in the prodromal phase:

1 6th disease or Roseola infant

2. Human Herpes virus 6 and HHV 7(less)

3. Saliva via oral nasal or conjunctival mucosa

4. an be asymptomatic can be URI


Give me 4 common signs of a stroke

hemiplegia, face droop, slurred speech or deficits, seizures, headache lethargy

100 points if you can tell me which type of stork is more common in children : ischemic


1.What is the difference between the two types of Chiari malformation

2. What are the two types classifications  for hydrocephalus

1. type one is not associated with hydrocephalus benign, type twoarnold chair most common and associated with hydrocephalus and myelomeningocele.

2.Obstructive (noncommunicating) More common vs non obstructive (communicating)

Extra 100: usually treatment for Hydrocephalus (VP shunt)



what are the three classifications of acne

Mild, moderate, severe

extra 200 points if you can tell me what the difference is between mild and moderate: mild has non inflammation (comedones), moderate: comedones and inflammation lesions like papule or pustules face and back


Name the 6 links in the Chain of Infection

Infectious agent


Port of exit

Mode of transmission

Portal of entry

Susceptible host

Extra point if you an tell me a nursing implication to reduce the infectious agent: Handwashing, wearing gloves, clean disinfect and sterilize


Regular measles is also called?

give me a classic sign

name a nursing implication


Koplik spots

comfort, clean eyes remove secretions, humidifier, airborne precautions until 4 days after onset of rash

extra 200 if you can describe the Koplik spot: bright red spot with blue white center on mucous membrane. (tiny grains of white sand surrounded by red rings)


Common causative organism for bacterial meningitis in newborns and infants birth to 3 months

what is the position you often see a child in with Bacterial Meningitis

name a lab or diagnostic test:

E coli, strept b ,listeria, strept pneumonia

Opisthotonic (had and neck hyperextended)

LP, CPC, blood urine and NP culture

extra 200 if you can tell me the two signs that will be positive to indicate irritation of meningitis Kerning and Brudzinski


What are the 3 categories of seizures

Name 2 types of generalized seizures

focal, generalized and unknown

absence, tonic, clonic, tonic clonic, myoclonic, atonic


Name 5 teaching guidelines for burn care at home for first degree burns

run cool water of burn to lesson pain

don't apply ice, butter, ointment, or cream to skin,

lightly cover with clean non adhesive bandage

give something for pain, see doc within 24 hours

later:  tub or shower with no fragrance soap pat dry, antibiotic ointment, cover
