Main coffee spot on campus
What is Rooneys?
Where the gym is located
What is Cregger?
The 3 new sports have been added this year
What is football, cheer, and band?
Where you go to get information
(lost and found can also be found here)
What is the info desk? (In Colket)
Kick this for good luck
What is the kicking post?
Main smoothie place on campus
What is Freshens?
Hey, your package has arrived! :)
What is the mail room?
The silent floor in the library
What is the second floor?
This person helps you with your schedule
Don't step on this if you want to graduate on time! (supposedly...)
What is the seal?
the place that's open the latest when your feeling a lil snackish
What is cav?
Where the ping pong table is located
What is the game room?
The name of our previous precious little campus cat
Who is Salem?
Can you help me write my paper?
What is the Writing Center?
Upcoming events are painted here
What is the big rock thing outside of Sections
Where the theatre is located
What is Olin?
Where you go when you get sick
What is Health Services?
The name of our president's dog
Who is Maple?
Hey, uh... I got locked out of my room....ahaha
What is campo/res life?
Where oh where to find the swimming pool
What is Bast?
Where all of our community meetings were held
What is the Ballroom?
Go here to get help for all things career related
What is PLACE?
Rooney's bird type
What is a Red-tailed Hawk?
Having trouble with a subject? These people can help you out
What is Subject Tutoring?
The MAQ stands for
What is the Maroon Athletic Quad?