Cyclists must yield the right- of-way to these on sidewalks or crosswalks.
Where do most pedestrian collisions occur?
As a passenger, what is the one thing you can do to protect yourself in a car?
wear a seatbelt
What should you do at this sign?
Cross the street
What do you do when you see this sign when you are walking?
You watch for cars before safely crossing.
Is it safe to wear headphones and listen to music if there is no traffic?
No, you should be paying attention to your surroundings
Who should you make eye contact with before crossing the street in front of a stopped vehicle at a crosswalk?
The driver
If you are a passenger in a car, what should you not do while the driver is driving the car?
Distract the driver in anyway
What does this sign mean?
school zone
What does this sign mean?
When you are crossing, drivers always have to let you go first
Why is it unsafe to cross the street at a red light even if there are no cars?
Even if there are no cars there right now, a car can come by quickly and hurt you
Are you jaywalking if you cross at the corner in the crosswalk?
No, that is where you can safely cross the street
If a car has 5 seat belts, how many people can safely and legally ride in the car?
Where would you see this sign?
If you see this sign, what should you be looking out for?
Cars going very fast. A car going this fast will not have time to stop if you aren't following road rules.
What type of clothing is best to wear when walking/riding your bike outside at night?
Bright, neon colors
What is something you should pay attention to when cars are parked?
Look for cars that are backing up, the taillights, sound coming from the car, or exhaust coming out the back
When riding in the front seat, why should you never put your legs up on the dashboard?
If the airbag deploys in a crash they could cause injury.
What should you do if you see this sign at a crosswalk?
Do not cross the street
When you see this sign, what are you supposed to be careful of?
Falling rocks. This sign tells you that rocks might fall onto the road and sidewalk from a hill or cliff
what angle do you walk across the street?
in a straight line not on a angle
the side where you can see traffic coming towards you
If you drop something in the car while it is driving should you unbuckle to grab it?
No. you should wait to get to your destination. even if the car is stopped at a light another car could hit you while you are getting whatever you dropped
Can pedestrians walk in this lane?
When you see this sign, what do you need to be careful of?
Trains. This sign means you are at a train crossing. If the arms are down you cannot cross until the train is gone