
Who was the first state to secede from the Union?

A. Alabama

B. Texas

C. New York

D. South Carolina

D. South Carolina


If cotton produced in America was about 39% of the world's cotton, what was the percentage in 1861?

A. 22%

B. 49%

C. 52%

D. 61%

D. 61%

What made John Brown so enraged that he went and hacked up 5 pro-slavery people?

A. The Academy Awards

B. Lincoln winning the election.

C. The caning of Senator Sumner

D. The attack on Harper's Ferry

C. The caning of Senator Sumner


Which of the following was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?                               

A  Fighting broke out between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups in Kansas.                                    

B  Kansas. entered the Union as a slave state through popular sovereignty in 1856.                                  

C  Nebraskan settlers who supported abolition moved to Kansas.                                    

D  The boundary established by the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was extended father south.                                                       


A  Fighting broke out between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups in Kansas.


Which of the following was a result of the Missouri Compromise?

A  The slave trade ended.

B  Slavery was declared unconstitutional.

C  Only slavery states were admitted into the Union.

D  Political power was balanced between slave and free states.      



D  Political power was balanced between slave and free states.  


Spell your history teacher's last name

What is D-E-N-E-C-K-E-R-E?


Who led the raid on Harpers Ferry, VA?

A. John Brown

B. Abraham Lincoln

C. Robert E. Lee

D. William Lloyd Garrison

A. John Brown


The poster above reflects opposition to federal enactment of the —

A  Black Codes

B  Fugitive Slave Law

C  Jim Crow legislation

D  Missouri Compromise




B  Fugitive Slave Law


Sectional differences in the United States during the mid 1800s were mostly rooted in differences about —

A religion
B economics
C the roles of women 

D attitudes about war



B economics


The South's attack on what signaled the beginning of the Civil War?

A. Fort Hood

B. Fort Sumter

C. Fort McKinney

D. Washington, DC

B. Fort Sumter


Daily Double!

Mr. Deneckere is starring in a musical this November. Name the title of the musical (200 additional points if you name the role he's playing).

What is White Christmas, and Bob Wallace?


Mr. Deneckere just had a birthday recently. State his age.

What is 30?


Which inference is best supported by the table?

 A  The South's population primarily lived in large cities.

B  The South had a higher standard of living than the North.

C  The North depended upon foreign imports to feed its population.

D  The North was more industrial, while the South was mostly agricultural.                                   


D  The North was more industrial, while the South was mostly agricultural.


Which statement best explains the changes shown in this table?

A  Slaves from the Upper South were moved to the Lower South to work on cotton plantations.                           

B  The Upper South experienced an agricultural labor shortage in the antebellum period.                          

C  Slaves were transferred from the Lower South to the Upper South to work in newly built factories.

D  The Lower South lost population as settlers migrated west to establish new plantations.                      



A  Slaves from the Upper South were moved to the Lower South to work on cotton plantations.  


What was a major result of the Missouri Compromise?

A  It increased the number of immigrants settling in northern states.

B  It provided financing for canal construction.

C  It rapidly expanded railroad construction in southern states.

D  It temporarily relieved sectional tensions.




D  It temporarily relieved sectional tensions.


Which reason led South Carolina to secede from the Union?

A  They felt the federal government would not protect the rights of slaveholding states.

B  They felt the federal government did not act to provide a common defense from enemies.

C  They felt the federal government permitted citizens to denounce slavery as illegal and a sinful institution.

D  They felt the federal government established groups promoting the protection of escaped enslaved people.                                   


A  They felt the federal government would not protect the rights of slaveholding states.


How did both the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 contribute to differences between free and enslaved African Americans?                               

A  The institution of slavery was allowed in some new states, while other states allowed freedom for African Americans.                                    

B  Both compromises expanded rights for enslaved African Americans, but limited the rights of free African Americans in new free states.                                    

C  Free African Americans gained new rights to vote and hold office in new free states while enslaved African Americans lacked any rights.                                    

D  Both compromises limited the spread of slavery to east of the Mississippi River, allowing enslaved African Americans who escaped slavery to gain their freedom and political rights in free states.                      



A  The institution of slavery was allowed in some new states, while other states allowed freedom for African Americans.    


Mr. Deneckere has other responsibilities besides being a teacher at SHS. Name one of them.

What is scholastic bowl coach, drumline instructor, and freshman senate sponsor?


In what way did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 contribute to growing sectionalism within the United States?

A  It allowed states in the territory to vote on slavery.

B  It outlawed slavery within the new territories.

C  It protected Native American land claims within territorial boundaries.

D  It granted women voting rights within the territories.




 B  It outlawed slavery within the new territories.


Harriet Beecher Stowe published her novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852. It sold 10,000 copies in its first week and 300,000 copies in its first year. What best explains the importance of Stowe’s novel?

A  It encouraged more people to settle the West.

B  It inspired many people to support abolitionism.

C  It helped to increase literacy rates in the country.

D  It was the first book written by an American woman.




B  It inspired many people to support abolitionism.


*Cali becomes a free state

*Strict fugative slave laws adopted.

*Slave trade banned in DC

*New states in SW could vote on slavery

                                                                      Which congressional action is described by the information in the box?

A  Tariff Act                            

B  Compromise of 1850                            

C Missouri Compromise 

D Kansas-Nebraska Act




B  Compromise of 1850


 How did U.S. tariff policies contribute to sectionalism prior to the Civil War?                                                         

A  Northern states benefited from the tariffs, while Southern states considered them an economic burden.

 B  Western states wanted tariffs to pay for improved infrastructure, while Northern states wanted to reduce the national debt.

C  Northern states gained European investment in industry, while Southern plantations had to rely on trade with Latin America.                            

D  Southern states benefited from tariffs on raw materials, while Northern and Western states disapproved of higher prices for imports                                      



A  Northern states benefited from the tariffs, while Southern states considered them an economic burden.


Causes of the Civil War - Sectionalism, Slavery, ______________


What best completes the graphic organizer above?

A Federalism                                

B  States’ Rights                               

C  British Mercantilism                                

D  Congressional Compromises



B  States’ Rights  


Name Mr. Deneckere's favorite MCU movie.

What is Captain America: The Winter Soldier?


How did the plantation system influence the economic development of the United States?

A  It prevented the development of industry in the Northeast.

 B  It turned the South into a major producer of the cotton used in northern mills.

C  It restricted agricultural expansion in the western territories.

D  It increased federal dependency on tariffs for revenue.




B  It turned the South into a major producer of the cotton used in northern mills.


What role did the Election of 1860 play in the outbreak of the Civil War?

A  It caused a split in Southern Democrats in their support for Lincoln

B  It indicated that many non-slaveholders in the South supported Lincoln

C  It confirmed that Southern states feared the election of Lincoln would bring about the end of slavery

D  It showed that slave owners in the West viewed Lincoln as one who would protect slavery




C  It confirmed that Southern states feared the election of Lincoln would bring about the end of slavery


 "Missouri Compromise Declared Unconstitutional"

"The Triumph of Slavery"                                                                     

These headlines refer to the decision in which Supreme Court case?

 A  McCulloch v. Maryland

B  Gibbons v. Ogden

C  Dred Scott v. Sandford

D  Worcester v. Georgia



C  Dred Scott v. Sandford


Which of the following is an example of popular sovereignty?

A  In 1837, Michigan becomes a free state because it is north of Missouri

B  In 1936, Arkansas becomes a slave state because it is south of Missouri

C  In 1849, California voters approved a state constitution that bans slavery

D  In 1846, the House of Representatives bans slavery in territories won from Mexico     



C  In 1849, California voters approved a state constitution that bans slavery


Use the information to answer the question that follows.

In its 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford decision, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not ban slavery in U.S. territories. Also, since slaves were considered to be property, the Court used the Fifth Amendment to uphold the rights of slave owners.

Which statement best explains how this Supreme Court decision affected the United States?

A  It convinced the Southern states to secede from the Union.

B  It led abolitionists to pursue their cause through state courts.

C  It made tensions worse between different parts of the country.

D  It forced states and territories to repeal laws abolishing slavery.




C  It made tensions worse between different parts of the country.


Name Mr. Deneckere's favorite superhero.

What is Spider-Man?
