To cancel or undo a law.
What is repeal?
Who was the King of England during the American Revolution?
Who is King George III?
Set taxes on molasses and sugar in order to raise money for Britain after the war.
What is the Sugar Act?
The continued fighting with Native Americans from 1760-1763 that would lead to the Proclamation of 1763.
What is Pontiac's War/Rebellion?
What is the French and Indian War?
To object in a public way to something one thinks is wrong or unfair.
What is protest?
This person is famous for engraving a piece of propaganda titled "The Bloody Massacre".
This 1765 law required colonists to pay a tax on all paper goods purchased in the colonies.
What is the Stamp Act?
Colonial actions that led to the repeal of both the sugar and stamp acts in 1766, as well as most of the Townsend Acts and the Quartering Act in 1770.
What is protesting/boycotting?
Most colonists were angry because they had no say in the laws being passed, which led them to chant this.
What is "No Taxation without Representation"?
Misleading information to promote a political view.
What is propaganda?
Secret organization who opposed British rules/laws, organized protests, and punished tax collectors.
Who are the Sons of Liberty?
This 1765 act required colonists to house and feed British soldiers living in the colonies.
What is the Quartering Act?
This event led to the trial of British soldiers for the murder of five colonists in 1770. A famous etching was even made to "inform" people of what had happened that night.
What is the Boston Massacre?
Signing of this document led to the end of the French and Indian War, and the loss of almost all of France's land holdings in North America.
What is the Treaty of Paris 1763?
An official public announcement.
What is a proclamation?
Ottawa Chief that led the rebellion for three years of fighting between the Natives and colonists after the French and Indian War.
Who is Chief Pontiac?
These acts were passed in 1767 and taxed many imports; such as lead, glass, paint, and tea.
What is the Townshend Acts?
Britain & France both wanted control of this area of land. Their fighting over it would lead to the start of the French & Indian War.
What is the Ohio River Valley?
Law that prevented colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains, gave that land back to the Native Americans, and forbid trading with Native Americans.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
A person that represents others at a conference or convention.
What is a delegate?
Group of women who successfully protested and boycotted many British good, helping lead to the repeal of several acts.
Who are the Daughters of Liberty?
Two acts that Parliament repealed in 1766.
What are the Sugar and Stamp Acts?
An event that saw colonists disguise themselves and destroy thousands of pounds of tea. This would be the cause of the Coercive(Intolerable) Acts.
What is the Boston Tea Party?
The Boston Tea Party led to the passage of these laws in 1774. Meant to punish colonists for their actions, these included the Boston Port Act, the Administration of Justice Act, the Massachusetts Government Act, and the return of the Quartering Act.
What are the Coercive(Intolerable) Acts?