The Intolerable Acts
People of the Revolution
Which one? Republicanism, Diversity, Rights & Liberties, Free trade, Economics, Labor, or War

The first tax that Britain placed on the colonists after the French & Indian war, which taxed certain sweet items was called this.

The Sugar Act (taxed sugar & molasses)


This act restricted trade in and out of Boston until the tea destroyed in the Boston Tea Party was paid for. This destroyed Boston's economy.

What is the Boston Port Act?


This person was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This was a method of protest used where the colonists refused to buy British products to show their unhappiness with the King.

What is a boycott?


Revolutionary-era America was comprised of people from a variety of religious backgrounds. 

What is diversity?


This tax was levied on pamphlets, newspapers, playing cards, and any legal documents that were created.

What is the Stamp Act?


This Act allowed the King to appoint a governor to Massachusetts whose power overrode the colonists' ability to self-govern.

What is the Massachusetts Government Act?


Many well-known Patriots were members of this secret organization, which planned many protests.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


This pamphlet written by Thomas Paine encouraged colonists to seek independence from Britain by writing about how an island should not be governing a continent and that law should be king, not the other way around.

What is Common Sense?


During the Revolutionary War, slavery was legal in the British colonies.

What are labor systems?


These acts were passed after the Stamp Act was repealed and taxed such things as glass, paint, paper, and lead. 

What were the Townshend Acts?


This was another term that people sometimes call the Intolerable Acts.

What are the Coercive Acts?


When trying to convince fellow Virginians to take up arms against the British, he famously said, "Give me liberty or give me death!"

Who is Patrick Henry?


This act of rebellion led to the destruction of 92,000 lbs of tea and was the cause of the Intolerable Acts.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


The Revolutionary War resulted in the expansion of the new nation to the Mississippi River.

What are war and/or economics?

War because it led to the expansion

Economics because it provided new economic opportunities for the country


This was an act that was created twice: once to house British soldiers who remained in the colonies after the French & Indian War and a second time to keep an eye on the colonists after the Boston Tea Party. Not exactly a tax, but it would cost colonists money.

What is the Quartering Act?


The Administration of Justice Act allowed British officials who were accused of crimes in the colonies to be tried in this place.

What is Great Britain?


What are the ideas of John Locke that were used in the Declaration of Independence?

Men have certain natural rights that include the rights to life, liberty, and property. (property was changed to pursuit of happiness in the DOI)


This event took place in front of the Customs House when a group of colonists started harassing a British soldier because they were upset that England had stationed soldiers in Boston. Colonists started throwing snowballs and debris at the soldiers, which caused a soldier to fire into the crowd. Further escalation led to 5 deaths.

What is the Boston Massacre?


Colonists resented the fact that they did not have a say in Parliament's decisions that were affecting them.

What is republicanism and/or rights & liberties?
