Those are fightin'(words or battles)

This act was passed in hope that the colonists would drink British tea rather than smuggled Dutch tea by shipping the tea directly to the colonies. About time!

What is the Tea Act?


There will be Propaganda! This happened on March 5th, 1770. Who incited it is the subject of many a middle school essay.

What is the Boston Massacre?


This Bostonian was a silversmith by day and a Son of Liberty by night. He was also the author of the engraving "The Bloody Massacre." No wonder he was asked to spread the news about British troop movements.

Who is Paul Revere?


Inspired by a member of British parliament referring to them as children; this organization embraced the intended ridicule and began meeting in secret to discuss their own displeasure with the parliament.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


This act meant to reduce smuggling and was more enforced than previous acts ending a long standing policy of salutary neglect. The colonists dislike for it was not as slow as molasses. 

What is the Sugar Act?


Who says there is no free lunch, dinner, or housing? Because of this act there certainly was for the British Troops. Although the colonists were not big fans of their forced house guests especially in New York.

What is the Quartering Act?


A popular slogan among colonists who believed that they needed to have a say in how they were taxed.

What is "No taxation without representation?"


This Patriot and Son of Liberty orchestrated a spy network. However, the British had Loyalist spies of their own and found out that he was with John Hancock in Lexington on April 18th.

Who is Samuel Adams?


This governing body likes to pass acts and is comprised of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Funkadelic!

What is Parliament?


This act targeted paper goods including playing cards and became unpopular with many colonists who used them. Eventually Parliament had to tell it to "go fish."

What is the Stamp Act?


This was intended to stop colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains and reduce altercations with the peoples already living there. 

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


On April 19th, 1775 one of these towns was the site of "the shot heard round the world," and both are known as the first battles of the Revolutionary War.

What are the battles of Lexington and Concord?


This monarch of the United Kingdom was big on taxing the colonists from the end of the French and Indian War until he could tax them no more. Maybe four would have been a luckier number.

Who is King George III?


This aquatic slang term was used by the colonists to refer to the British soldiers. They must have been a crabby bunch.

What are lobsters?


These were a series of acts that taxed the colonists on nearly everything. There's no way that the person responsible for them would want them named after him. Oh wait. They are.

What are the Townsend Acts?


Someone actually thought that was a good idea? This is what happens to an act when it needs to go away.

What is repeal?


In New York and Philadelphia the colonists protested by blocking the ships from port. In Charleston they let the tea rot on the docks. In Annapolis they forced the captain to burn his ship. But this, dumping the tea overboard, was a much more festive affair.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


This person can be called the first casualty of the American Revolution and later his death became a symbol for the abolitionists. 

Who is Crispus Attucks?


Meeting in Philadelphia in September 1774, this organization sent a petition to the King. They also asked each colony to begin training troops. Even though a representative from Georgia wasn't there; they got the memo.

What is the First Continental Congress?


Known as the Coercive Acts in Parliament these acts were meant to be a punishment. They reduced the power of the Massachusetts colonial assembly. And closed the Port Boston, yet sent British officials accused of crimes back to Britain. And why not, let's expand the Quartering Act if the port is closed anyway?

What are the Intolerable Acts?


These are what British officials obtained to search anything and everything. Luckily the Fourth Amendment assists with this not happening nowadays. 

What are Writs of Assistance?


This is a way of protesting by refusing to buy or use a product or service. 

What is a boycott?


What they don't serve tea in a Boston prison, and my arm still hurts? This captain in the British army was represented by John Adams and was acquitted of any wrongdoing during the events on King Street on March 5th, 1770.

Who is Thomas Preston?


This organization included John Hancock and had been operating since 1764. In 1773 they were in every colony organizing boycotts, spreading propaganda, and spying on the British.

What is the Committees of Correspondence?

The gist of this act was Parliament stating that it was in charge. And even though it did not tax anything; it left it open to interpretation if Parliament could. 

What is the Declaratory Act?
