French and Indian War & Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation of 1763
& Quartering Act
Stamp Act
Boston Massacre & Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts & Other

French and Indian War 

__ & __ VS __ & __

Great Britain & Colonists 

French & Native Americans 


What did the Proclamation of 1763 say that colonists could NOT do? 

Move West of the Appl. Mountains 


What is the Stamp Act? 

A tax on printed papers like newspapers


After the Boston Massacre, the British Parliament repealed all taxes on the colonists except the tax on ____



British Parliament passed a new act and called it the Coercive Acts. The colonists rename it as the Intolerable Acts. Why?

"Intolerable"- because they would not tolerate or accept the harsh laws 


After the French and Indian War, Great Britain was left with debts

Debts are an unpaid b _ _ _ 



How long did the war last? 

10 years 


What did the Quartering Act order colonists to do? 

Provide quarters (a place to stay/live) to the British soldiers 


How did the colonists respond to the Stamp Act? 

Protested by refusing to buy goods (boycotting), scaring off tax collectors or attacking them


From the perspective of the colonists, they felt the British were to blame for the Boston Massacre because...

They shot at the colonists, even though the colonists were being peaceful 


"Other" Category:

 Which act created a tax on tea?

Townshend Act 


British Parliament decided to revoke/cancel the Stamp Act after many colonists reacted negatively. 

What is the term used when a law is revoked/canceled?



The war was a fight for .... 

Ohio River 


Why did Great Britain create the Proclamation of 1764?  How did the Colonists respond? 

Great Britain wanted to protect their people because they were being attacked by the Native Americans in the West. 

They ignored the law, and moved west anyways. 


What ended up happening to the Stamp Act? 

Great Britain repealed (cancelled) it  


From the perspective of the British soldiers, they felt the colonists were to blame for the Boston Massacre because...

They started it by calling the soldiers names, starting fights, and throwing stones, and snowballs.


What was The First Continental Congress, and what was discussed

The first meeting where all the colony leaders (except 2) got together to discuss how they would fight against the Intolerable Acts


When colonists were taxed on paper during the Stamp Act, many decided to protest the items. 



After the war, what was the biggest problem that Great Britain faced? 

Went into large debts (unpaid bills) 


Why did Great Britain create the Quartering Act? 

To protect the colonies and keep them under control


What new act came after the Stamp Act, and what did it say?

The Townshend Act- A tax on all imported goods like lead, glass, paint, paper, and tea. 


After the Boston massacre... 

Colonists boycotted tea (stopped buying it) because they felt they should NOT be taxed on it. British Parliament responded by passing the Tea Act of 1773. 

What was it, and why did they do this? 

Tea Act of 1773- Colonists can only buy tea from the British East India Company. 

Why- To force colonists to buy British tea again. 


"Other" Category:

During which event was "No Taxation without Representation" used? 

Why were the colonists saying this? 

During the Stamp Act 

They were saying this because decisions of paying tax were being made without their vote or opinions 


When new acts were created for the colonists to follow, it was created by the British _________



What was a positive (what did they win) and negative (what did they lose) result of the war for the British?

Positive - Won Canada, Mississippi River, land West of Appal. Mountains

Negative- Went into debt, lost soldiers


The British Parliament passed a new act called the Quartering Act. What do the words in bold mean? 

How did the colonists respond to this act? 

Parliament- Government 

Act- Law/rule 

Responded by treating the soldiers poorly 


Why was the Townshend Act passed/created? 

The Stamp Act was repealed (canceled), but Great Britain still needed to raise money. 


Put the events in order, and state 1 fact for each. 

Tea Act, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre

1. Boston Massacre 

2. Tea Act 

3. Boston Tea Party 


The intolerable acts put 4 harsh laws in place. 

List at least 2. 

1. Boston Harbor will close down until the tea $ is paid back. 

2. New leaders will be sent to Boston to take over leadership 

3. If a crime is committed, you will be tried in Great Britian 

4. More British soldiers will be sent to Boston


After the Intolerable Acts, all colonies (except for Georgia) sent representatives, or d_______ to meet at the F______ C_______ C_______ to discuss how they will fight against these harsh laws. 

delegates //  First Continental Congress 


Put the events in order 

- Boston Massacre

- Townshend Act

- Intolerable Acts

- French & Indian War

- Stamp Act 

- First Continental Congress 

- Tea Act

- Quartering Act

- Proclamation of 1763

- Boston Tea Party

1. French and Indian War 

2. Proclamation of 1763

3. Quartering Act 

4. Stamp Act 

5. Townshend Act

6. Boston Massacre 

7. Tea Act 

8. Boston Tea Party 

9. Intolerable Acts 

10. First Continental Congress
