What is physics? Or chemistry? Or maths?
a science
If you earn a lot of money, what can people call you?
What is the Past Simple form of the verb "to lose"?
What do you have if you are a superhero?
Say in English "Я больше не боюсь собак".
I am not afraid of dogs anymore.
If you give your food to your friends, what do you do? You ____ food with your friends.
What do you call big birds that you can see often in Moscow?
If you have to pay a lot of money for a thing, is it cheap?
No, it is expensive.
If your friend tells you about his/her big dream, what will you do?
I will support him/her.
What do people buy for birthdays (gifts, cakes and...)?
Say in English "современные технологии".
modern technologies
What do people do before they become friends?
They get to know each other.
What is another word for "nature"?
If you study or work a lot all day long, how do you feel in the evening?
Say in English "управлять компанией"
to run a company