Wild West Coast
Northeast USA (GO CT!)
W 82 N 39
Sunny SE USA
The Outsiders- Hawaii and Alaska

The city of stars features an iconic white letter signed, drives with the biggest names in entertainment history, and is the dream for many aspiring actors and actresses.

What is Hollywood?


The smallest state in the nation, it was the last of the 13 colonies to become an official state.

What is Rhode Island?


This was the very first building at Ohio University, and at one time was the entire university. (Dining Hall, Residence Hall, Classrooms, Faculty Offices, administrative offices)

What is Cutler Hall?


The Happiest Place on Earth is home to your favorite childhood memories and is housed in Florida. The perfect places for children from 0-99.

What is Disney World?


This frigid state capital is the second largest US city by area, and is unique in that it has no roads to connect it to the rest of the state or to the country.

What is Juneau?


This city was the location for the Grey's Anatomy Spinoff Private Practice, and is the second most populous city in the USA, and third most in North America. A series of 1992 riots occured here that killed 63, injured over 2,300, led to $1,000,000,000 in damages and over 12,000 arrests.

What is Los Angeles?


This city is the home of an array of prestigious institutions and is deeply rooted in US history. Northeastern University is just one of the many universities housed here.

What is Boston?


Founded in 1991, this OU alumni owned and operated place has the BEST pastries (IMO) and also has an off campus meal plan option for upperclassmen in apartments (not through the university).

What is Brenen's Coffee Cafe?


This research and animal care facility houses Winter the Dolphin, the tailess dolphin from the movie Dolphin Tale movie. It is an animal rescue & rehabilitation station that gained international attention due to their state of the art dolphin care system.

What is Clearwater Marine Aquarium?

Lilo and Sitch live on this Hawaiian island. "Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."  Geologically, it is the second oldest of the islands.

What is Kauai?


Voted the most diverse city in America by Times Magazine, it is home to the NBA team the Kings.

What is Sacramento, CA?


This is the capital of New York City. A large city with sprawling metropolis areas, it is on the West Bank of the Hudson river, and is over 21 square miles.

What is Albany, NY?


This area once served as the home of the Athens Mental Asylum and was a Kirbride plan mental hospital. Is it haunted? That is for you to find out.

What is "The Ridges"?


This region of natural wetlands of Florida is nationally protected and this ecosytem it forms cannot be found ANYWHERE else on Earth.

What is the Everglades?


This nickname is given to a Hawaiian island due to its home of the world's largest plantation and export site.

What is The Pineapple Island?


The third rainiest place in the continental United States was also home to vampires and wearwolfs in a teen movie and book saga.

What is Forks, Washington?


This iconic location within a major metrapolis houses that has a zoo, a seasonal skating rink, miles of trails,and has an x that marks the exact center. Characters like Miss Piggy have roller skated through this park, and one web slinging hero calls the city that houses it home.

What is Central Park?


This 21 mile trail stretches around campus and the surrounding countryside and features 200 cherry blossom trees that bloom each spring donated from our Japanese sister school.

What is the Hockhocking Adena Bikepath?


In 1861, this South Carolina fort was the site of the first battle of the American Civil War. No one felt the war would last long, and the cities elite treated it as a social event and gathered on the shores to watch the event as a show.

What is Fort Sumter?


The largest of the islands that make up the state and is the third largest in Polynesia. It features a volcano that has been erupting since December 20, 2020.



This state flag features a beaver on its reverse side, and is the ONLY state flag to have different designs one each side.

What is Oregon?


This city of 30,000+ people is home to THE Wiffle Ball Factory, the classic childhood game. It also is home of the largest Arson Fire case in US History. Most importantly though, it's the home of THE FYrST AMBASSADOR ANDREW.

What is Shelton, CT?


This rare lab has the potential to move atoms up to 14% the speed of light and is housed at Ohio University. The 4 foot concrete walls help to keep the facility safe alongside the fact it is build underground.

What is the John E. Edwards Particle Accelerator Lab?


The "City of Trees" once saw itself destroyed and razed by general Sherman in the American Civil War, and was the host of the 1996 Olympic games

What is Atlanta, GA?


The northernmost US city has a population of just 4,482 and lies above the Arctic Circle.

What is Barrow?
