What time should you arrive to Lincoln?
I should get to Lincoln School BEFORE 8:30
What are 3 or more Classroom Materials do you need to bring to Lincoln School everyday?
Backpack, 3-ring binder, pencils, erasers, highlighters, (any other acceptable student answer).
What should you do with any equipment that you see on the playground?
I should be RESPONSIBLE and return it to the equipment cart.
True or False? As long as no one is looking, you can switch spots in the lunch line.
False. I need to be RESPONSIBLE and stay in my assigned spot in my classroom line.
How many students can be in the restroom at one time?
Only 2 students are allowed in the restroom at one time.
What do you need to do when you ARRIVE to Lincoln school to be Organized?
I should put my backpack on my classroom hook, go to breakfast, Moove and Groove or Library.
How often should you clean you desk and backpack?
I should clean my desk and backpack EVERYDAY :)
What do you do when you hear the freeze whistle?
I should be ACCOUNTABLE and Freeze like a mannequin.
What should you do with your lunch tray when you are done eating?
I should be ORGANIZED and stack my lunch tray in order.
How many seconds should you wash your hands with soap and water?
I should wash my hands for at least 20 seconds or sing the happy birthday song to myself.
Can you cut in front of other students that are already in the ARRIVAL line when you get to Lincoln?
No! You must Accountable and stand in your own spot in the ARRIVAL line.
How can you be RESPECTFUL to yourself and others in the classroom?
I can be RESPECTFUL by: taking turns talking, sharing materials, using my inside voice, following my teachers directions, (accept any other reasonable student response).
Where should you line up after recess and lunch?
Accept any answer that is specific to you classroom routine/procedure.
Is it allowed to share food at the lunch table with a friend?
I can NOT share food with anybody at recess or lunch.
True or False? You are allowed to look or go under the bathroom stalls.
You are NEVER allowed to go under or look at others that are using the bathroom.
When school is over, who do you need to tell BEFORE LEAVING Lincoln School?
I need to tell my teacher who is picking me up BEFORE I am dismissed.
What does it mean to "use your inside voice?"
When I use "my inside voice," it means that I whisper or speak softly.
Will Mr. Matin and Mr. Auggie ALWAYS have a FUN game to play at recess?
Yes! Everyday our ROAR Mentors will be playing a FUN game at recess!
Hint: The first game in August is Street Hockey!
What are 2 ways that you can earn ROAR Bucks in the Lunch Area?
I can be ACCOUNTABLE and earn Roar Bucks by: staying in my assigned classroom line, organizinging my tray, throwing trash away, keeping my hands and feet to myself, having my lunch number with me.
True or False? It is alright to use my cell phone in the bathroom.
It is NEVER alright to use you cellphone in the bathroom.
True or False? You can leave Lincoln School and come back to school the same day and not be penalized an absence.
TRUE! If you leave and come back the SAME DAY, you will NOT be penalized with an absence.
What does it mean to be ACCOUNTABLE in the classroom?
Being ACCOUNTABLE means that I am making the right choice when I think nobody is watching.
Can you name all 6 Campus Supervisors?
Mrs. Lynn
Mrs. Cassandra
Mrs. Melissa
Mrs. Marcella
Mr. Luis
Ms. Merissa
What is your lunch number?
Accept the answer that contains the correct student lunch number.
During Recess or Lunch, should you use the inside or outside restoooms?
At Recess or Lunch, I should always use the outside bathrooms.