This group of people began to have more rights in the 20s, they began to vote, cut their hair short, and drink in bars
This innovation became so popular during the 20s that it led many new companies being created to help keep them running (like tire companies, oil companies, road building companies)
Many farmers lost their land to these institutions after not being able to pay back the money they borrowed
Banks played a key role in causing the Great Depression because they gave out too many of these
The 19th amendment allowed women to do this
This music genre became very popular in the 20s, thanks to being played so much in secret bars
This most famous innovation of the 20s allowed Henry Ford to make cars faster and cheaper than anyone else
Assembly Line
This was the name for huge sandstorms that happened across the country in the 30s
The Dust Bowl
Banks allowed lots of people to borrow money, which people then used to invest/gamble on this
The Stock Market
The 18th Amendment made this illegal, but it didn't really work and would be overturned in the 1930s
People began buying things using this system
This innovation of the 20s became more popular in the 20s in order to convince people to buy more things than they actually needed
Much of middle America was suffering through this environmental hardship during the 20s and 30s
Lots of people going to banks hoping to get their money out before the banks shut down is known as this
Bank Run
The term for people not buying as many things as they used to buy is
Under consumption
The name for the huge cultural movement that happened in part of New York City among African Americans in the 20s
The Harlem Renaissance
This invention helped unite the country by having everyone be able to listen to the same songs and news
Many farmers, like many factories of the time, were doing this word for growing/making more things than could be sold
US banks and the US govt lent money to European countries during this international conflict that helped spread the Great Depression around the world after Europeans couldn't pay the money back
World War One
This man was President during the start of the Great Depression and did nothing to help stop it
Herbert Hoover
The end of the Roaring 20s was marked by the
Stock Market Crash of 1929
Rather than follow the law that alcohol was illegal, some innovators created these new secret bars and clubs where alcohol was sold
Many farmers in the middle of the US whose farms failed chose to move to this state
The nickname for the day that banks and lots of other Americans lost millions of dollars on the stock market
Black Tuesday
The name of the Tariff that the US govt passed that made goods from other countries cost more, which led to less international trade and made the Depression last longer
Hawley Smoot Tariff