
The following is a list of IMPORTANT FIGURES in Harlem New York after The Great Migration happened

- Which person does not fit with the others and why

Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart

She is a pilot and the rest are African American writers from the Harlem Renaissance.


I spread jazz music all over the United States and people listen to me for their daily news and from anywhere in the country I made it possible to share a common culture.

What invention am I?

The Radio


Which of the following is true regarding challenges faced by immigrants moving to America

A. Strict immigration laws that limited the number of new arrivals from certain countries.

B. Immediate acceptance into American society without any hurdles.

C. A surplus of free housing provided by the government.

D. A complete lack of available jobs in any industry.

A. Strict immigration laws that limited the number of new arrivals from certain countries.


People that supported this thought it would make society healthier and safer.



What was the name of the famous style that women adapted into during the 1920s?

The "Flapper" style


This is the type of music that shaped the Harlem Renaissance



Jazz music originated in Southern states of America from the blues and ragtime music of African Americans. The young people were tired of their parents old dances like the waltz.

Name at least 2 popular dances of the 1920s.

Charleston, Black Bottom, Shimmy, Trot


Explain three main factors for someone outside of the US to want to come to the US in the 1920s. 

(3 pull factors)

Employment, Freedom, Opportunity, Party life, Fresh start, technology.


Organized crime was on the rise after the passing of the 18th amendment. 

Explain the role of a bootlegger during prohibition?

Bootleggers smuggled alcohol into cities or speakeasies. They sometimes sold "moonshine" or "bathtub gin".


Modern America and the 1920s have a lot in common. 

What was the impact of Henry Ford on Modern America?

8 hour work days and 5 day work weeks

Increase in pay for employees.


Define the Great Migration

A massive movement of African Americans from the South to the North due to many different push and pull factors.

The assembly is one type of industrial advancement but the John Scopes trial is another type of advancement entirely.

Explain the impact on society of the John Scopes Trial.

It sparked nationwide debates about academic freedom and led to greater acceptance of teaching scientific ideas, like evolution, in classrooms.


Explain three main factors for someone outside of the US to want to leave their home country

(3 push factors)

Poverty, War, Political tension, lack of housing, lack of employment, less opportunity


Explain the 18th amendment and the 21st amendment?

18th : banned the sale, manufacture and production of alcohol

21st : repealed the 18th amendment and made alcohol legal again


Explain two major ways World War 1 had an economic and societal impact on America?

America was able to flourish in business and innovation while many other European countries were in a reconstruction era.

Women were becoming more independent and gaining freedom.


identify the Key Idea of this paragraph:

For many young Americans, access to education was an important part of this new independence. High school attendance doubled during the decade. The percentage of students going on to college was higher in the United States than in any other country. 

A. Access to education helped people gain independence and explore new opportunities.

B. Soldiers who went overseas learned about different cultures and gained a desire to expand their horizons.

C. Going to parties, dance clubs, listening to popular music, and driving fast cars was a key development in youth culture. 

A. Access to education helped people gain independence and explore new opportunities.


Teacher shows you a graph:

What was the first year when more then half of American households had electricity?



In the United States during the 1920s there was an influx of Immigrants.

Explain three impacts of this immigration

(think about positive and negative impacts)

Cultural diversity, The Red Scare, Sacco and Vanzetti trial, Quotas, KKK, New Food, New Music, New ideas, New technology.


What was the main reason Wilson gave for ending the manufacture of alcoholic drinks during and after World War 1?

To ration grain the was necessary for food.


What was the main reason buying on credit became popular in the 1920s?

How did installment buying impact people going into the 1930s?

People wanted luxury items they could not afford right away.

Many people were lead into big debts because of installment buying.


There were many reasons people decided to move from the South to the North during the Great Migration.

List 3 push factors and 3 pull factors. Must write down and show teacher.

(must specify which is which)

Pull :

housing, freedom, party life, promise of land ownership, new life, employment


Jim crow laws, segregation, no jobs, lack of freedom, no housing, 


Teacher will show you a graph and question on a seperate link.

Analyze the graph carefully to answer the question.

D. The price of the Model T decreased and the production of the Model T increased


Teacher will show you a map of The Great Migration.

What does this map show? (key idea of map)

The percentage of change in each state's African American population


Al Capone was a significant figure during the prohibition era.

What are three of his most infamous crimes?

Explain the impact he had on the 1920s.

Bootlegging, Murder, Gambling, Tax evasion

Al Capone ran the business of speakeasies and illegal alcohol smuggling. He made it possible for many people to still go out and drink in secret, significantly adding the youth culture in the 1920s.


The experience of living through World War I changed the way many young people saw the world around them and inspired social changes. Young men returning from Europe had visited far-off countries and learned about other cultures. Many of them came home with a desire to continue expanding their horizons. The title of one popular song in 1919 asked, “How ‘Ya Gonna Keep’ em Down on the Farm after They’ve Seen Paree [Paris]?” 

What is the key idea of this paragraph

A. Access to education helped people gain independence and explore new opportunities.

B. Soldiers who went overseas learned about different cultures and gained a desire to expand their horizons.

C. Going to parties, dance clubs, listening to popular music, and driving fast cars was a key development in youth culture.

D. World War 1 lead to America struggling to keep up with other countries in exporting goods

B. Soldiers who went overseas learned about different cultures and gained a desire to expand their horizons.
