Context Clues
Fig. Lang.
Main Idea
Writing the work of fiction had taken a lot of work, and then she'd had to find a LITERARY agent. a. related to movies b. related to books c. related to acting
What is B.
Mark was studying for his exam. The score would make up 50% of his grade, so he needed to do well. His younger brothers were playing in the next room. Mark tried to tune them out, but finally he yelled at them, "Keep it down!"
What is C vs. Self
You will likely have an ANGRY RASH within a few hours. It means: a. highly noticeable b. frustrated c. furious & what type of figure of speech.
What is personification and A
Have you ever visited a site that has a historical marker on it? Sometimes houses have signs telling about their history. Other times, you will see big signs along the road telling about the event that happened there. Some people put the signs up on their own house. Others signs are put up by organizations.
What is A. Organizations are interested in signs. B. They are interested in history. C. They are interested in roads.
James lived in Manhattan, which is part of NYC. One night, his neighborhood lost electricity. It was partly due to the heat wave. So many people were using air conditioners and fans that there was not enough electricity. People had to find other ways to stay cool until the power came back on.
What is A. to tell about NY B. to tell about the effect of the heat wave. C. to tell about how to keep cool.
Vegetarians ADHERE to a special diet. A. stick to B. avoid C. change
What is A.
Mackinac Island is a special place. The tourist is was having an amazing time until the earthquake hit.
What is C vs. Nature
He was always as busy as a bee. People wondered where he got the energy. A. Active and productive B. Not accomplishing much C. Pretending to be working. & what type of figure of speech.
What is alliteration & A.
Missy is the latest addition to the Elm City Zoo. When she first came to live at the Big Cat House, she was underweight and suspicious of people. The zookeepers assumed that was because she had been neglected by the circus employees. However, Missy soon gained weight and learned that people were not a danger to her. TEACHER read questions.
What is A. Missy is a tiger. B. Missy is a seal. C. Missy is a bear.
Grocery stores are carefully planned as far as their layout, or where things are placed. Some of the most tempting items, such as magazines, candy, and gum, are kept at the checkout counter. Stores even put the cereal most likely to tempt little kids right at their eye level.
What is A. to tell about store layout B. to tell about tempting foods C. to tell about shopping
The eight graders were at their class graduation picnic, but Principal Sanborn was keeping a worried eye on the sky. It looked ominous. A. Pretty B. Interesting C. Threatening
What is C.
The director of the Elm City Aquarium was upset. The people at the city council meeting didn't understand! They must figure out a way to change the law so that they can raise taxes to keep the aquarium opened.
What is C vs. Society
If you plan a spring celebration, it might RAIN CATS AND DOGS and ruin everyone's fun. A. rain very hard B. ruin Pet Festival C. rain so hard that pets are washed away. & what type of figure of speech.
What is Idiom and A.
Katie and Erin were ready for their camping trip, but they went over the checklist just in case they'd forgotten anything. They didn't want a repeat of their last adventure. It had been a long night in the cold. Sleeping under the stars was okay in the summer, but not in the fall!
What is A. They'd forgotten food. B. They'd forgotten firewood. C. They'd forgotten a tent.
Meteorologists are weather experts. Some have jobs on TV news programs, where they go on camera and tell the forecast for the area. Others work for the National Weather Service. That is a program that tracks weather. The service also issues warnings. The Weather Service meteorologists have a lot of experience tracking storms.
What is A. to tell about storm tracking. B. to tell about meteorologists C. to tell about how weather is tracked
Everyone in the family has learned to ECONOMIZE in order to make it possible for him to pay for classes. A. Eat less B. Spend more money C. Be careful with money
What is C.
Wyatt's dad was upset because he was going to be laid off from his work, which means there was not enough work for his bosses to justify paying him. Wyatt was worried.
What is C vs. self
SHE'S A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. People learn to avoid her, but they usually get hurt first. A. She appears harmless, but is dangerous. B. She appears dangerous but is harmless. C. She appears unlike others. & what type of figure of speech.
What is Metaphor & A.
Do you believe in luck? Some people are superstitious, which means they believe in signs. For instance, if a black cat crosses their path, they are nervous and fearful, and if they have to go on the 13th floor of a building, they are filled with anxiety.
What is A. They think those signs mean bad luck. B. They think they mean good luck. C. You can't tell from the story.
Christopher was watching his sister read a magazine. She would read for a moment, mark the page with a pencil, resume reading, and then make another mark. Finally, he couldn't tolerate his curiosity. "What are you doing?" he demanded. "Taking a quiz called 'Is Your Little Brother Nosy?'" She replied.
What is A. to tell about the quiz B. to tell about the magazine C. to tell about Christopher and his sister
Alaska & Hawaii are special states because they are not CONTIGUOUS with other states. A. Friendly B. Attached to or alongside of C. As big as
What is B.
It was Mystery Meat Day at the cafeteria. Of course, that wasn't the official name. However, Betsy got food poisoning.
What is C vs. Fate.
His heart was as black as night. A. The color black B. Evil C. He didn't have a heart. & what type of figure of speech.
What is Simile & B.
The ancient Greeks told stories about their gods, as well as the magical beings that lived among them. One of their stories is about sirens, magical creatures that lived in the sea. They would use their beautiful voices to lure sailors into dangerous waters, causing shipwrecks.
What is A. They were good creatures. B. They were bad creatures. C. They were neither good nor bad.
Fairy tales are thought of as children's stories, but some versions have a surprising amount of violence is so clearly imaginary, most adults don't think of the stories as frightening. However, a child might not understand. He might think the events could really take place.
What is A. to tell about fairy tales B. to tell about violence in fairy tales. C. to tell about children's stories