Computer Acronyms
Thats so Random (random will be in the response)
Wierd Science
Movies gone Musical
History Beef

The words that compose the acronym: HTTP

Hypertext Transfer Protocol


 This term refers to the unpredictable nature of certain events or outcomes, often used in statistics.

What is Randomness


This rare medical condition results in a person experiencing the sensation of touch or pain in their limbs even after amputation.

What is Phantom Limb Syndrome


This movie about a group of high school students breaking out into song and dance was adapted into a stage musical with songs like “We’re All In This Together.”

What is High School Musical


This historical beef between two famous electrifying inventors of the late 19th century, involved claims of invention theft and patent infringement.

Who are tesla and edison


The words that compose the acronym: HTML

What is "Hypertext Markup Language"


 In computing, this term refers to the type of access where memory can be retrieved in any order.

What is Random Access


This thought experiment suggests that a particles can be in two places at once until it is observed, aften explained that this animal is both alive and dead and the same time.

What is  Schrodinger's Cat


This musical, based on a film featuring a group of singing nuns and set in a convent, includes the popular tune “My Favorite Things.”

What is "The Sound of Music"


 This famous boxing rivalry, which included the legendary matches known as "The Fight of the Century" and the "Thrilla in Manila," was between two heavyweight champions in the 1970s

Who are Mohamed Ali and joe Fraisure (Spelling from rob)


The words that compose the acronym: JSON

What is JavaScript Object Notation 


 This concept refers to the lack of a specific pattern or predictability in events or occurrences.

What is Random Behavior


 This scientific process involves using radio waves to see inside objects, often used in hospitals to detect internal structures without surgery.

What is MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 


 This film features a character who sings “Good Morning Baltimore” and later became a Broadway hit with the same name.

What is "Hairspray"


This infamous mobster feud, spanning the Prohibition Era, involved a Chicago gangster famously known for his role in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre and a rival from New York known for his flashy style and criminal enterprises.

Who are Al Capone and Bugsy Malone


The words that compose the acronym: REST

what is Representational State Transfer 


This process involves choosing items or participants in a manner that gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen.

What is Random Selection 


This phenomenon allows certain species to glow in the dark, often used for attracting insects.

What is Bioluminescence 


This movie about a quirky young French woman who becomes a famous star after being discovered in her small town was later adapted into a stage musical with the song “I Dreamed a Dream.”

What is Les Miserables


 This feud, famously involving two founding fathers, ended when one was mortally wounded in a duel in 1804.

Who are lexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr 


The words that compose the acronym: TWAIN

What is TWAIN: Trick question; this is always written uppercase, but isn't an acronym 


 This type of randomness is used in algorithms to generate results that mimic the unpredictability of real-world processes.

Random Noise


This type of plant is known for its ability to "walk" slowly by growing new roots and dying off at the old end, often observed in tropical rainforests.

What is Walking Palm


This film, about a mischievous child who learns life lessons through magical adventures, was adapted into a musical featuring the song “A Spoonful of Sugar.”

What is Mary Poppins


This rivalry in the early 20th century involved two American oil tycoons, known for their fierce competition and legal battles.

Who are John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie
