Robert's main in League of Legends.
What is Draven?
John and Robert became friends in this grade.
What is the 8th grade?
Robert, Ethan, and Sean enjoyed squadding up on this fast paced team game with this console during their high school years (Game and Console).
What is Overwatch on the Playstation 4?
Robert, Dallas and Sean have this artist in common.
The artist/youtuber who made the "Im a Banana Song"
The store that Robert's father owns.
What is Water To Go?
Alessandra and Robert sat at the same lunch table in this grade.
What is the 7th grade?
Dallas hindered Roberts ability to play the guitar in this 2019 incident.
What is slamming Sean's car door on his finger :(
Robert and Ethan both enjoy this punk rock band hailing from Ukraine.
Who is Gogol Bordello?
Country wider than the moon.
What is Australia?
His favorite 2001 rock band.
Dallas and Robert met in this class.
What is World History?
Robert first observed Alessio performing this mysterious behavior during their annual trip to Kalahari.
What is sleep walking?
Robert, Ryan, and John saw a tribute of Rush's A Farewell to Kings by this funky alt rock band at Freedom Hill Ampitheatre.
Who is Primus?
The first year the Lions won their Thanksgiving game.
Who is Martin Scorsese?
Ryan and Robert took the bus to this school daily for a computer information systems class.
What is the Career Prep Center? (CPC)
Nathan and Robert first bonded over this school project in their Economics class.
What is the Real World project?
First Billionaire in America.
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
Ethan and Robert's first interaction was during this school event.
What is the 5th grade concert.
Rico and Robert enjoyed many sessions of trolling random online strangers on this Steam game (2 answers, either count).
Gary's Mod (TTT)
Left 4 Dead 2
Robert and Ryan have this band in common.
Who are The Beatles
This Japanese dish is a type of fermented soybean.
What is Natto?