"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Song 1
Elton John - Tiny Dancer
An orphan becomes a vigilante and saves his city from the league of shadows
Batman Begins (2005)
Richest person in the world as of October 2023
Elon Musk
This movie is about three witches that come back to life on halloween night
Hocus Pocus
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Thomas Edison
Song 2
A thief, who infiltrates dreams to steal secrets, takes on a final job to plant an idea into someone's mind, diving into multiple layers of the dream world.
Inception (2010)
This conglomerate owns Lays, Gatorade, Quaker and Tropicana to name a few
This Bavarian celebration can trace its roots back to 1810.
"God does not play dice with the universe"
Albert Einstein
Song 3
Eric Clapton - Cocaine
A team of astronauts ventures through a wormhole near Saturn in search of a new home for humanity, as Earth faces environmental collapse.
Interstellar (2014)
One of the top 3 largest shareholders of the S&P 500, run by Larry Fink
Halloween is on the eve of what Christian holiday
All Hallow's Day (All Saints Day)
"Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not."
Bobby Kennedy
Song 4
Rolling Stones - Miss You
Two rival magicians in Victorian London go to deadly lengths to one-up each other in their obsessive quest for the ultimate illusion.
The Prestige (2006)
In 1910, 2 politicians and 4 bankers met in secret on Jekyll Island, Georgia to create legislation that led to the formation of this "Independent" government agency.
The Federal Reserve
The real life inspiration for Dracula
Vlad the Impaler
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
Ronald Reagan
Song 5
Aerosmith - What it Takes
An amnesiac hunts for his wife's murderer, relying on notes and tattoos to piece together a mystery told in reverse.
Memento (2000)
Responsible for F-35 program's botched execution, this contractor rakes in just shy of $50bn a year from the US Government.
Lockheed Martin
Judge in the Salem Witch Trials and great grandfather of Scarlet Letter author
John Hathorne