What is Mr.Adams 1st rule
Golden rule/Treat others the way you want to be treated
what do you have to have on at all times during school?
what do you do when you Have Ipad Problems?
Fill out a tech ticket
How old is Mr.Adams?
Who was the First President?
George Washington
what is mr.Adams 2nd rule?
NO food or Drink without a secure lid
What is the Schools Mascots name?
Robbie the Ram
Who is the Person to help return or fix the Ipad
What is Mr.Adams Allergic to?
Who Created the Stele in Mespotamia?
What is Mr.Adams 3rd rule?
Hold yourself accountable
who are the three Principals at Robinson
Freund, Galatian, Herrera
Are you allowed to take your Ipad home?
What does Mr.Adams call his slippers
Bread 11's/Loafers
Where were Pharos buried when they Died?
what does Mr.Adams Hate students touching in his room?
When was Robinson middle school made?
What will happen if you use you Ipad inappropriately?
you will lose the Privileges on the Ipad.
What is Mr.Adams favorite thing to do in his pass time?
Play Video Games
Who is the host of CNN 10?
Cory Wire
What is Mr.adams Late policy for work?
must be done before unit is done
What are the 3 categories that qualify you for the 9week party?
Grades, Behavior, And Attendence
When was the first Ipad made?
What is Mr.Adams First Video game he ever played?
what video game has the most sold Copies According to IGN?