World War II
It was abroad a ship in the harbor of what city that Japanese envoys signed the surrender agreement ending World War II?
Children's Literature
In the climax of what story is Wilbur's life saved when Homer Zuckerman decides not to butcher him.
Charlotte's Web
Zeke McGander has 25 fishing reels and 40 fishing rods, How many different combinations of rods and reels can he use?
What homophone completes this sentence?
The bandage was wound are the ...
These are all capitals of countries that border what body of water?
Rabat, Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Cairo
Mediterranean Sea
Bonus -
During the Second World War, what kind of government programs restricted the amount of sugar, coffee, gasoline, meat, cheese, coal and silk that consumers can purchase?rationing
Bonus -
What kind of creature are these literary characters?
Basil of Baker Street, Frankie and Benjy
Desperaux Tilling, Geronimo Stilton, Algernon
Bianca and Bernard, Mrs. Frisby
Bonus -
Three diplomats are introduced and each shakes hands with all others. How many handshakes occur?
Bonus -
What homophone completes this sentence?
Since there is no time like the present, she thought it was time to present the
Bonus -
What city is punned in this Tom Swifty?
"What's the capital of Vietnam?"
said Tom annoyingly
During World War II, what kind of vessels were these?
submarines (U-boats)
Bonus -
Who is the narrator in the story that contains these lines?
"Nice wedder did mawning", sezee.
Tar-Baby ain't saying nuthin' en Brer Fox, e lay low.
"How you come on, den? Is you deaf?'
sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "Kaze if you is, I kin holler louder," sezee
Uncle Remus
Bonus -
Given just four letters of the alphabet, how many 4-letter combinations without repetition can be made?
Bonus -
The burro is a mammalian quadruped. Spell the other two related homophones.
borough, burrow
In March 0f 2016, at least three ISIS terrorists were responsible for bombings at an airport and a railway station in what European capital city?