Apex predators occupy what part of a food chain?
What adjective indicates a lens with a depressed surface?
Physical Properties
What property of matter is defined as either the mass per unit volume or the number of atoms or molecules per unit volume?
What private secretary to Thomas Jefferson was one of the leaders of an expedition to discover and map a route to the Pacific?Meriwether Lewis
What major traditional holiday can be celebrated as early as March 22nd or as late as April 25th?
Bonus -
In a food chain, what kin of consumers eat carbohydrates produced photosynthetically?
primary consumers (herbivores)
What adjective indicates lenses that bulge outward?
Bonus -
What is the property of a physical body that determines the strength of its gravitational attraction to other bodies as well as its resistance to being accelerated by a force?
Bonus -
During what century did Ponce de Leon first sight Florida, Pedro Menendez de Aviles found St. Augustine, Giovanni da Verrazano explore the Atlantic coast of North America, and Walter Raleigh found the Roanoke Colony?
16th Century
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What U.S. federal holiday honors those who died while serving in the American armed forces?
Memorial Day
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What kind of biome usually is evident above the tree line?
tundra (alpine tundra)
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An object 600 yards away that is viewed through six-power binoculars appears as it would to the naked eye at what distance?
100 yards
What adjective describes a substance that transmits light in a disturbed and distorted fashion?
Bonus -
In the 1770s, James Cook became the first European to set foot on what land that would eventually become a U.S. State?
Bonus -
What U.S. holiday marks the end of the summer vacation season?
Labor Day