These small rock pieces or particles make up sedimentary rock. They can be other rocks or plant and animal organisms
What is sediments
What is the FIRST process that forms sedimentary rock
What is weathering
This type of igneous rock is formed from lava ON the earth's surface.
What is extrusive rock
This type of rock is made of pieces of smaller rock
What is clastic
What types of rocks can become metamorphic rocks
What is igneous, sedimentary and other metamorphic rocks (ANY)
Igneous rock transform to sediment by processes called ___________ & ____________
What is weathering and erosion
What rocks and made of
This type of igneous rocks has holes formed from gas bubbles when it rapidly cooled. It is used to scrape off dead skin as well.
Sedimentary rocks can form from sediments that have settled out of wind or water, a process called
Where do metamorphic rocks form
Deep underground
The layers of sediment become pressed together over time
What is compaction
This type of igneous rock is used to make countertops.
This type of sedimentary rock you can find fossils in.
What is an organic sedimentary rock
A metamorphic rock arranged in layers is called
What is foliated
The force that drives the rock cycle
What is plate tectonics
What is the name of this igneous rock?
By magma cooling. The faster it cools, the smaller the crystals. The longer it takes to cool, the larger the crystals. Crystals form from the amount of minerals in the rock.
This type of sedimentary rock is composed of fragments and pebbles of minerals and other types of rock.
What is clastic.
Limestone becomes ___________ under extreme temperature or pressure.
What is marble
What science is the study of rocks called?