Definitions + How are Minerals Identified?
Igneous/ Sedimentary / Metamorphic Rocks!! <3

What kind of rocks make up Earth's surface?

All kinds!! Metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rock!


What cools to form igneous rocks?

Molten rock cools to form Igneous rocks!!

PSSTTT magma = melted rock        Lava = magma


The breaking down of rock into smaller pieces by wind, water, and ice

What is weathering?


These events might bring Igneous rocks to the surface of the crust

What is an Earthquake or Volcano?


Where are minerals found?

in Earth's crust!


Over time, a piece of igneous granite might weather into  _____

What is sediment?


What are the layers of Earth. Which is the hottest part?

Crust then upper mantle then inner mantle, then outer core then inner core. The hottest is the inner core.


granite, obsidian, and basalt (what type of rock?)

What are igneous rocks?


The steps that change rocks over long periods of time or a continuous series of changes that rocks undergo?

What is the rock cycle?


If a rock gets buried deep in Earth's crust, or touches hot lava, it will change into a _______

What is a metamorphic rock?


How to know if a mineral is metallic or nonmetallic?

Looking at the luster of the rock. Metallic - shiny like metal. Nonmetallic - dull, glassy.


Sedimentary rocks are formed....

when  sand, particles of rock, bits of soil, and remains of once living things are pressed together and hardened


A nonliving solid material is called what? A solid material made up of one or more minerals is called what?

a nonliving solid material is called a mineral!!

A solid material made up of one or more minerals is called a rock!!


what is sediment?

Sediments are sand, particles of rock, bits of soil, and remains of once living things


The color of a mineral when it is grounded is called what?



What happens to sediment to make it into a sedimentary rock??

sediments get cemented (stuck) together


What are some ways a mineral could be identified?

(4 ways)

1- Luster (to see if it is metallic or nonmetallic (aka, SHINY))

2-Cleavage (the tendency of a mineral to split easily along flat surfaces)

3-Hardness (how easily can we scratch a mineral)

4-Streak (The color of a mineral when it is grounded)


If Sedimentary rocks are subjected to intense heat and pressure, they can turn into a _____ rock

What is Metamorphic?

Ms.Samraa and all of the 4th grade class went on a field trip to a new island explorers recently found. One of her brilliant students found a mineral but couldn't identify it. What steps did they take to try to figure out what type of mineral it is? 

First, the student looked at the rock and noticed its physical properties (luster, color, shape, cleavage etc.)

Then, the student tested the mineral streak color and scratched it a bit with their fingernails to see how hard it was (hardness)

Finally, they used this new information to compare the mineral properties to a listed table of minerals to identify its name! 


Metamorphic rocks are formed...

When an existing rock is changed by heat, pressure, or chemicals in the Earth's surface
